Somewhere only we know

433 13 22

*Smut warning*

As Imelda and I strolled back to the castle, I avoided as many questions as possible around my evening with Sebastian. Luckily for me, Imelda was in a sharing mood. She wasted no time at all as she launched straight into a detailed account of her night with Gareth, which somehow I managed to endure.

"So basically after you had gone to get drinks with Sallow, Vi and Cilla left me on my own, I had no other choice but to be around Weasley by myself!"
"What happened?" I spoke sarcastically rolling my eyes at her words
"Well, it's just that... it was unexpected" she continued, fidgeting with the strap of her bag
"We were chatting, and then suddenly he asked if I wanted to go back to his dorm. And I don't know, just something about the way he looked at me made me say yes"

A smirk grew on my lips as I sent a knowing look her way

"Ahhh that infamous Weasley rizz finally got to you eh?" I giggled softly

The girls face flushed pink, a small smile playing on her mouth. She didn't say anything, but I could see in her eyes that she was finally admitting her feelings for the red headed boy. I nodded towards her, encouraging her to go on.

"So as I was saying, we went up to his dorm and we talked for a bit" she explained, her cheeks now turning a darker shade of pink
"And then, one thing led to another... and we ended up sleeping together"

I couldn't help but smile at her adorable awkwardness, I've never seen her like this in all the years I've known the girl. Was Gareth Weasley making my best friend soft? I still felt incredibly awful about sleeping with Sebastian in Gareth's bed first, it was hard for me to keep this information from her.. but I knew it would be better for the both of us if it was left unsaid.

"Sounds like things escalated rather quickly" I remarked, trying to lighten the mood
"Yeah you're telling me! But it felt right, you know? I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I felt like I could trust him, and it just happened... kinda like you and Sallow" she nudged my arm as she spoke

I knew that was my queue to tell her about my night at the party, but I just wasn't even remotely ready to go there with her. I picked up my pace as we were nearing the entrance to the bridge, a small scoff escaping my mouth.

"Yeah, sounds.. similar" I replied passively

Imelda matched my pace, she managed to grab my arm before I could make it up the steps.

"Hey.. it's okay if you don't want to speak about what happened, but what are you going to do about Sebastian? You two are moving rather quick, and it's a miracle in itself that this secret has gone on for this long... maybe it's time you tell him, before one of you gets hurt"

My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach as an uneasy feeling washed over me. I don't know what I thought she was going to say, but I certainly was not expecting her to say that. I knew deep down she was right, but there was so much I needed to figure out still, I just didn't think now was the right time. I exhaled deeply before responding to her.

"I know. I'm still trying to work out the best way to explain it all to him... merlin's beard Imelda, how do you tell someone they got obliviated two years ago?"

My words shot out of my mouth sharper than intended, my friend's face faltered slightly at my response.

"Wow, I'm only looking out for you Alora? You said it yourself, the more involved you get with him the harder it will be to tell him.. and then what will happen?"

I could feel myself getting more and more agitated with the situation that was unfolding. Being this hungover probably didn't help either, but I just didn't want to hear what she had to say right now.

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