Kiss and Tell

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After the win of the match, the Slytherin stand stormed the pitch to congratulate the team. Everyone was jumping about cheering in celebration, the atmosphere on the ground was just a whole vibe to say the least. The Slytherin beater, Milov had picked Imelda up and propped her up on his shoulders like it was nothing. I blushed a little at the sight of it, he did it with such ease! I wouldn't mind someone lifting me up like that.

"Here's to the best Captain everrr!" He yelled
"Milo!! Put me down for god sake!" She laughed

I was in hysterics as the boy completely ignored her remarks and started jumping about with her on his shoulders, parading her around like she was a trophy.

"Hurry up and put her down! We need to get ready!" Priscilla shouted at the boy
"Oh sorry girls!" He smiled back

He then did what he was told to, and gently placed the girl back on the grass.

"Thank you Milo, we played a good game out there! I think we all need to thank Sallow for today though!" Imelda expressed
"Where is he?" He questioned

Everyone was then on the hunt for Sebastian. Student's were heard shouting around for him, but no one had eyes on the boy. Where was he?

I turned around scanning the side of the pitch we had taken over, I couldn't find him either? I then looked out towards the changing rooms and there he was. It seems as though he'd snuck off undetected and was walking into the secluded area with a girl, Samantha. I won't lie, it kind of pissed me off seeing the pair of them but I wasn't going to let that bother me for much longer. I had a party to attend.

"Come on girls, let's go get dressed for tonight!" I said eagerly

The 4 of us then strolled arm in arm back to the common room to get glammed up.


Our dorm was absolute chaos as we all prepared for the evening ahead. Clothes, shoes, makeup and accessories were scattered all over the floor and beds. This was a big night and we wanted to look our absolute best. I opted for a brown Smokey eye, a short wing and fluffy lashes, I even lined my lips and added a lovely nude gloss to add to the look. I'd curled my hair and placed it in a half up-half down pony tail that sat just at the back of my head. I added a tennis bracelet on my wrist and a pair of small cubic zirconia earrings I received off my parents as a gift. I actually felt quite pretty already, I then got my brand new heels out the box and waited for Priscilla to get me the dress that I was borrowing.

I sat patiently on my bed as I watched the girl in front of me, frantically trying to find the dress from her wardrobe.

"It's in here somewhere!" She shouted
"It's honestly fine if not, I have a skirt and top I could wear of my own?"
"NO! You're wearing a dress and looking like a woman, you wear a skirt every bloody day for school. You want to look different!" She yelled back

I shut my mouth and let the girl do her thing. A few moments had passed before she eventually found it.

"Here! This is it!"

She turned around to me holding the dress in her hands. My eyes widened in shock at what she just pulled out, in her hands she held an all black strapless mini dress. It was a bandeau type dress that had big satin ruffles that sat across the chest leading around the back and shoulders, I've never seen a piece of clothing so stunning before.

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