It's a date

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"YOU KILLED HER!" Sebastian yelled
"Killed her? No, see I took away her pain like you wanted me too!" I pointed frantically at the girl
"Alora she's DEAD can't you see!" The boy screamed at me

I knelt down by the boy holding her body in his arms. She was so still, so quiet. I slowly went to move the hairs that covered the top of her forehead.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" He spat at me
"But Sebastian I didn't mean, I thought I was helping her?" I said confused

Sebastian's head lifted up as he met my gaze, the eyes that once looked at me with love were now ice cold, laced with hatred.

"You've done enough Alora." He said sternly



My eyes shot open instantly, I sat up quickly. I was sweating again my whole body was hot. I blinked a few times, adjusting to my surroundings. Imelda was at the side of me with a worried expression across her face. She'd been desperately trying to wake me up for some time now.

"Oh thank Merlin! I thought you'd never wake up, are you okay?"
"Uh, yes I'm fine.. just a bad dream" I said nervously
"You're telling me! Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes, what time is it?"
"It's nearly 6am"

I rolled my eyes and threw my head back down on my pillow, I definitely needed to get some more sleep if I wanted to help Sebastian today.

"I'm need to go back to sleep there's no way I'm up this early on a weekend"
"I don't blame you, have you got any plans today?"
"I promised Sebastian I'd help him with History of Magic in the library later. I can't afford to be tired for it"
"History of Magic? But isn't he-"
"Nothing, it doesn't matter" she giggled

The girl then got back in her own bed and we both finally went back to sleep.


I'd had my lunch and was now on my way to the library to meet Sebastian. My head was a tad sore from the night before, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. The castle was quiet on this Saturday afternoon, most students would be in their common rooms or they'd head out for the day on the weekends, so not many people were about. I was feeling very apprehensive about going to the library, after we shared that kiss I wasn't sure how to act. I knew I had to be careful though. I couldn't get too close to him, as much as I'd love too, it'd be too dangerous right now.

The library welcomed me with silence. The place was empty, the only person I could see was Scribner at her desk. Where was he? I headed down to the end of the room, the sound of my shoes echoed throughout the air as I walked. As I got closer to the back, I heard bits of paper being moved about and what sounded like a glass bottle being placed on a table. What was that?

I looked over to my left and could see Sebastian sitting there, in my usual spot. He wore a dark green knitted jumper that fit him perfectly, I couldn't help but admire his broad shoulders and athletic arms from behind. He wore grey pants that accentuated his legs, he looked a bit too good. Has he made an effort with his outfit? On the table I could see books on the rebellion, pieces of parchment paper and two quill's. On the middle of the table sat a small vase with one singular rose in it.

"What are you doing?" I questioned
"Oh! Alora there you are!" He turned to me
"Yes here I am, what is that?" I pointed at the rose
"It's a flower?" He said sarcastically
"Yes I know it's a bloody flower, I meant what is it doing here?"
"It's for you, for our date" the boy smirked
"This isn't a date!"
"Technically it is darling, we are the only ones here after all" he smiled
"Oh shut up!" I moaned

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