Face your fears

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A few days had passed and the great hall was buzzing with the usual morning energy, the clatter of silverware and the murmur of conversations filled the air. I sat next to Sebastian, absently poking at my scrambled eggs whilst he animatedly recounted his latest argument with Leander Prewett in a recent class. His voice was thick with disdain, each word dripping with the intensity of his feelings. I half listened, I was more entertained by Sebastian's passion than the actual contents of the rant. My attention was slowly wavering between his story and the lively scene around us, the array of colourful house banners fluttering above us adding to the vibrant atmosphere

"Alora, are you even listening?"

Sebastian's voice broke through my thoughts, a smirk playing on his lips as he nudged me on my elbow

"Yes, yes of course" I replied

Although the truth was my mind was only half present. I took a sip of my pumpkin juice, savouring the familiar sweetness

"Then what did I just say?" He challenged

I sighed knowing I wasn't really listening to him, I tried to remember what he was even going on about before replying with something he may have said

"Something about him being a pathetic excuse of a wizard? Or him being a ginger twat?"

The boy furrowed his brows slightly before speaking, a look of slight confusion across his face

"Well yes.. but no, that's not what I was saying!" He tried to hide the smirk creeping up on his face
"Sebastian you're going to give yourself a stroke if you keep ranting the way you are" I said with a smile, trying to ease his agitation

Before he could respond, the doors to the hall creaked open. I glanced up to see Ominis making his way towards us. His usually calm demeanour was noticeably absent, his steps were hurried and his face was etched with worry. He approached the Slytherin table with a letter clutched tightly in his hand, his knuckles white from the grip

"Ominis what's wrong?" I asked, concern lacing my voice as he reached us

Without a word, he tossed the letter onto the table, his wand scanning the room as if searching for an escape. Sebastian and I exchanged a puzzled look before picking up the letter, unfolding it carefully

"It's from Poppy" Ominis said, his voice strained
"She wants to talk to me"

I watched as Sebastian read the letter, his eyes widening slightly before he handed it over to me. The note was brief, Poppy's neat handwriting conveying a surge of urgency

Can we meet later? There's something important I need to tell you

I looked up at Ominis who was now pacing back and forth, running and hand through his hair in frustration

"What's the big deal, Ominis?"

Sebastian asked leaning back in his chair with a bemused expression

"She just wants to meet up?"

Ominis stopped pacing and turned to us, his glassy eyes filled with a mixture of dread and hope

"It's not that.. I'm almost certain she's going to tell me how she feels about me, and I think I like her too. I just have no idea how to express myself though, what if I mess it up?"

I felt a pang of sympathy for him. Despite his usually composed exterior, Ominis was clearly out of his depth when it came to matters of the heart

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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