Wish upon a star

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"Did you and Sebastian do it then?" Imelda asked
"What?" I turned to her confused
"The assignment you was helping him with?" She laughed
"Ohh, yeah we did that" I said sheepishly

I pushed the food around on my plate with my fork, I didn't feel like eating, my mind was a million miles away. Was this a good idea having a date with him? Noticing I wasn't eating much, Imelda questioned me.

"What's up with you?"

I stared at her before I spoke.

"It's Sebastian" I sighed
"What about him?"
"He's asked me on a date, like an actual date" I said nervously
"Shut up did he!" She said enthusiastically
"This isn't good!" I snapped at her
"Oh shit, I forgot he doesn't know who you are does he! Hey! You never told me what happened with Ominis?"
"Ugh it's a long story" I rolled my eyes
"Well I have time, spill"

I vaguely went over the details of what happened, she had to know at some point. It was killing me having no one to speak to about it.

"But please don't tell anyone, this is a secret" I told her
"I promise I won't say a word, but how are you going to tell him that he knows you?"
"I'm leaving it with Ominis for now, this wasn't my fault in the first place"
"True, but it'll get harder to keep to yourself the closer you get to Sebastian you know.."
"I know, which is why I might cancel our date" I said lowly

I sat at the Slytherin table sulking, I finally got a date with the boy I loved all fifth year and now it would be over before it even began.

"Lora" Imelda reached her hand on mine
"If it's making you this upset about cancelling, just go on the date" she smiled
"But I'm worried if it goes well, we get close.. i'm just lying to him. I don't want to lie"
"You're thinking too much into it! Just go and enjoy yourself, take one day at a time" she gave my hand a light squeeze

Maybe she was right, I was thinking too much into it? It's just a date, I'm not harming anyone by going on a date.

"Okay, I'll do it" I smiled at her
"Fab! When is it?"
"I actually don't even know?" I laughed
"Fucking moron, what guy does that!" She joked
"Sebastian clearly" I rolled my eyes

As I finished my sentence Adelaide had walked past the table with her friends, sending a snarl my way. She probably heard what I said about Sebastian, but I honestly couldn't care. At the back of her group a brown bob had trailed behind them.

"Poppy! Come sit with us" I smiled
"Oh hi ladies, thank you!" She smiled back

The small girl placed herself down next to Imelda

"You and Ominis looked quite close last night, what's going on there?" Imelda smirked

Poppy's face turned a crimson red at her question, she looked flustered.

"Uhh yeah well, the game!" She brushed off
"Game Shame, you like Ominis don't you!" I teased
"Alora!" She squealed
"Come on just admit it, maybe we can help you?"
"Okay fine! Yes I like Ominis, I think he's sweet. But I'm not sure if he feels the same way" she sighed
"Well leave that to us, we can find out for you!" A devious smile spread across my lips
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"Obviously, us girls stick together! Leave it with me, I'll find out everything we need to know"
"Thank you, both of you!" The girl appreciated

I now added operation, find out if Ominis likes Poppy to my list of things to do.


It was now Sunday evening. I'd finished feeding all my beast's in their vivariums and was feeling a bit down about the whole Sebastian ordeal, so I decided to go to the astronomy tower to clear my head. Hopefully I could see some stars whilst I was up there too.

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