Let the games begin

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The Great Hall was complete chaos this morning. Everyone was excited for another quidditch match as Lucan Brattleby and his friends were seen eagerly scoping the whole room for people to place their bets.

"Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw!"
"Get your bets in for today's game!"

I sat at the Slytherin table with Sebastian and the rest of the group, trying to enjoy what was left of my breakfast.

"Oi Lucan! I'll put a bet on!" Ellis shouted down the table.

The 3rd year Gryffindor came scurrying through the crowd with his box of bets in hand for the boy. I'd never seen a bigger smile on his face before.

"Who are you betting on today?" He asked
"Put me on for Gryffindor to win mate" he smirked
"Are you fucking serious?" Sebastian spat at him
"What? Have you seen them in training lately? I don't know what Weasley's been doing with them, but there is absolutely no way Ravenclaw is winning this match today. It's easy money lad"
"They're literally our rivals!"
"Yeah, and? Money's money isn't it" he shrugged
"Well.. I can't exactly argue with that I suppose. But I wouldn't be seen dead betting on Weasley, no offence Imelda" the boy smirked

Imelda's eyes shot up from her plate as the boy mentioned her with the Gryffindor.

"Fuck off Sallow!" she bit back
"Still mad at me I see?" He laughed
"Why, what happened between you two?" Violet questioned

My face became warm, my cheeks flushed as the incident from last night replayed in my head.

"Nothing happened!" I butt in
"Alora, one must not tell lies" Imelda spoke sarcastically

The whole group looked at us both, intrigued to know what had happened.

"Come on then, spill it!" Noah pushed

Imelda glanced around the table before she spoke.

"Let's just say I wish I had Ominis' eyesight when I got back to the dorm last night"

The whole group burst out in laughter as I sat there sulking into my breakfast. How embarrassing!

"So.. do you still want that bet Ellis?"

Fucking hell I completely forgot Lucan was stood there, great could this get any worse?

"Yeah put me down for it please mate"
"Excellent, 10 Galleons please"

The exchange was made and the Gryffindor quickly added him to the list, giving him a piece of paper as confirmation.

"Nice one" he smiled at the young boy

Lucan then moved his attention to myself and Sebastian.

"Hey Alora, you should come back to crossed wands if you fancy it? I know a few people have missed seeing you there"

Oh fuck, my heart started racing as his words sunk into my brain. Sebastian had no idea we were partners in crossed wands or that I even joined the club back in fifth year! I hadn't been back since.

"What do you mean? Back to crossed wan-"
"Crossed wands! Yeah absolutely, I haven't watched a duel in a while, I'll make sure I come down for the next one!"

Evoke (Sebastian Sallow)Where stories live. Discover now