Web of lies

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The lesson had finally come to an end and I managed to stay awake through the whole thing, which was an achievement in itself. Instead of thinking about the goblin rebellion, my mind was completely on Sebastian. What did he mean in his note? Surely he doesn't see me like that? I had so many questions in my head I didn't know where to start.

"I want 15 inches on the goblin rebellion from you all by next week, you need to be prepared for your NEWTS"

15 inches! I nearly fell off my seat hearing the words coming from the front of the room. The air was filled with groans from the students as Professor Binn's assigned us the essay. That man was truly awful. Feeling fed up, I started to pick up my notes and put them in my bag, I was definitely going to need them for the homework assignment.

"He just can't help himself can he!" Sebastian moaned next to me
"He must hate us that's for sure" I joked
"It's just ridiculous in my opinion. I didn't even listen to half of what he was saying, I didn't think this subject would even be on our exams!"

I looked down at my bag momentarily, a thought coming to my mind. I was going back and forth with myself in silence as I stood there. Should I even ask? This is risky. You're just helping a fellow student Alora, it's not that bad. I then blurted out my next words.

"If you need the extra help, you can use my notes if you like?"

Sebastian's eyes darted towards me as I offered him my help.

"Really?" He said surprisingly
"Yeah, sure why not?"
"How about we go to the library and study there instead?"
"What?" I replied confused
"I could just do with the extra help, I learn better that way... person to person"

My mind was racing at this point, I didn't know what was the best thing to say, was this even a good idea?

"Come on it won't be that bad! ...I don't bite" he teased
"Okay Sebastian, I'll come to the library with you" I sighed
"Excellent! Let's say Saturday? 1pm?"
"Fine, we'll do Saturday. But do not be late or hungover or else I'm leaving!"
"Shouting orders at me already! Ha! it's a date" he smirked
"It's not a date!" I said annoyed
"Of course it's not darling, See you soon"

The boy then stood up, smiling at me as he made his way out the classroom. Shit. What have I done! I instantly regretted my decision, what am I doing! This is dangerous waters. Surely it can't be that bad? It's just studying? I left History of Magic with Sebastian in my head.


In the afternoon I had a free period, so I thought I'd go to the library to see if there were any answers about the necklace in there.

Walking into the library I was enveloped in the hushed sound of flicking pages, whispers that floated above the room and footsteps that could be heard throughout the two tiered hall. Madam Scribner could be seen patrolling the floor, keeping an eye on her beloved space. It wasn't particularly busy at this time which I was grateful for as I needed to concentrate and find that book.

I headed to the back of the bottom floor and took a seat on the left side of the room. That area was now lovely and peaceful after I got rid of the portrait of Ferdinand Octavius Pratt back in fifth year. No one ever questioned where he went or who took him from the library, not even Scribner. After I set fire to his first portrait in the Three Broomsticks, I thought I'd finish the job and get rid of the one in here. I couldn't let him still hang there, he was witness to a crime! I think I did us all a favour letting him burn to the ground, but that's a secret I'll never tell.

I placed my belongings on the table and made my way to the derelict section of the library that held all the books about gemstones. This area wasn't exactly full when looking at it, I think I had my work cut out for me here. I picked up the books that sat covered in dust on the shelf, and began to read the titles.

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