The perfect girl

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Sebastian's POV

"Well that was awkward, wasn't it?" Samantha said annoyed
"Not really, Hector doesn't scare me" I brushed off
"Do you think they're dating now? I've not seen him arm in arm with a girl since me and him broke up"
"Perhaps, who knows"

Samantha looked at me confused as I tried to down play the fact that the thought of the two of them together, irritated me.

"Does it not bother you?"
"Why would Hector being with her bother me?"
"Well... You two can't stand each other and she was your-"

The entrance to the Ravenclaw common room suddenly flew open behind her.

"Oh! Samantha! Have you seen Hector?" Andrew Larson suddenly cut the girl off.

She turned around seemingly pissed off that she had just been interrupted from the conversation.

"Yeah he's gone to walk Alora to her common room, he should be back any minute" she rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Oh? okay, thanks... are you coming in?"
"Yes" she sighed turning back to me
"Well, I guess I will see you at some point tomorrow. Thank you for walking me back, good night, Sebastian"
"Good night Samantha" I smiled at her, watching on as she went into her house.

I walked down the spiral staircase, making my way back towards the Slytherin common room. I was well and truly exhausted. The castle was silent now, only my footsteps could be heard as I strolled back towards the dungeons. I thought I would bump into Hector on the way back but I was thankful I didn't see him again. I was in no mood to have an argument with the boy, not tonight anyways.

I eventually reached the house of the serpents, as I stepped through the doorway I noticed a calm atmosphere engulf me, following me around as I walked down the steps. It was quite peaceful. The main room seemed empty as I entered it. The darkness enveloped me like a shadow. The only source of light there was, was coming from the fire on the other side of the room. It gave the area a cozy feel, casting a warm amber glow on the furniture around it. Was no one here?

As I started to make my way to my dorm, I heard a noise, as if someone was quietly murmuring to themselves. I scanned the room quickly, I couldn't see anyone? Thinking nothing of it I continued on my way, suddenly out nowhere I heard another noise. Swiftly taking cover in a small alcove of the wall, I concealed my identity from whatever or whoever made the sound. I then clocked someone near the main seating area of the room, someone had risen from the sofa In front of the fire...It was her. I stayed there silently watching her, I noticed she pulled something from out of her shirt. A necklace of some sort? It looked like it was glowing? What was that? Not wanting to be seen, I slowly moved towards the boys dorms and waited for her to go to the girls dorms, but she never did.

The room fell silent once more, I waited a few moments before I moved again. Why didn't she leave? Had she fallen asleep? I crept over towards the fireplace to see if she was still there. As I looked over the leather sofa, there she was. The girl was fast asleep, She was so beautiful in that moment. The light of the fire danced across her face and body so delicately, she was a sight to behold. The warmth of the flames soothing her as she dreamt, I just couldn't bring it in me to wake her up. Not wanting her to get cold later on, I grabbed a blanket covering one of the arm chairs, and carefully placed it over her as she slept. Good night, Alora.


The morning had started off as usual, I slept in again and I was late to my first class then it was a domino effect from there. I had History of Magic next which, you guessed it, I was late for. I really needed to get my punctuality in order but I was working on it. I was only 5 minutes late to Professor Binns' lesson.

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