Something in the water

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Advanced potion's was next for me that day. After the success of my Patronus, I was on a high for the rest of the morning. Upon entering Professor Sharp's classroom, I could see my usual seat with Imelda had been taken by a red headed Weasley.

"Oh I see how it is!" I teased the pair
"Sorry Alora, he literally begged me to sit here. It's just for today!" She replied nervously
"You get every class with her! Let me sit here for once" the boy joked

I rolled my eyes at the pair, a small smile creeping up on my lips. I actually didn't mind moving seats for them, but I didn't want to tell them that.

"Okay fine! I'll find another cauldron"

I scanned around the room and spotted an unused cauldron on the far left of the space. Everyone seemed to be paired up at this point, so it looked like I was on my own for this one. I moved over to derelict table, and got my things out ready for the class.

"Is everybody here? Good we shall begin. Today we're going to be brewing the Elixir to induce Euphoria"

Professor Sharp had started the lesson and as if on cue, the door to the potions classroom opened and in strolled Sebastian.

"Sorry I'm late sir, I was speaking with Professor Hecat. I have a note that confirms I was with her"

Professor Sharp didn't look too impressed, but he let the boy off nonetheless.

"Very well, please come in and take a seat with Miss Winters over here"

Great. Now I have to share a cauldron with him, could this get any more awkward? The boy grew a smirk at the Professor's reply, and headed my way.

"Of course sir"

I clocked Imelda giving me a look as the Slytherin made his way to my table, it was obvious by the way she was staring at me that she was clearly lapping this up. Gareth had now joined her, the two now watching on as they had front row seats to see the drama unfold.

"Hello, you" the boy sat down
"Hi Sebastian" I replied bluntly
"Funny little trick you pulled this morning wasn't it"
"What?" I looked at him confused
"Sitting with that prick"

The emphasis used on the word 'prick' came out his mouth as sharp as a knife.

"Oh, right" I sighed
"I was actually coming to apologise to you, and then I see you sitting with him. Laughable really"
"I am allowed to sit where I want you know" I protested
"Yeah? Well not anymore you're not"
"Excuse me?"
"From now on any classes that we share, you're sitting with me" he smiled

Had he literally lost his mind?

"And what makes you think I'll do that?"
"Because I said so"
"So I'm just supposed to listen to you now am I? What are you? My father?"
"No but you can call me daddy, if that's what you prefer" the boy smirked

I was speechless for a moment at his words, why was he being like this? He was so possessive... I think it turned me on a little.

"Whatever Sebastian" I brushed it off
"Oh and we are going on that date. You're not getting away that easy."

Was I dreaming or did he just say that?

"You can't make me go on a date with you"
"I'm not making you do anything sweetheart. I know you didn't mean it last night, so I'll let it slide"

Okay yes, I didn't mean it, but now I wanted to make a point of not going.

"I did mean it, we're not going on a date"
"Is that so? Do you have another date to attend instead?"

Evoke (Sebastian Sallow)Where stories live. Discover now