Edge of glory

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*Smut Warning*

Flashback from 1881

In the warm glow of the setting sun, a 6 year old Alora sat at the family dinner table, a mosaic of colours painting the sky outside. The aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air as Robert and Elizabeth, her parents, shared smiles. The clinking of cutlery echoed as they engaged in lively conversation, the love in their eyes reflecting the bond that held them together. Alora's laughter joined the chorus of familial joy, creating a timeless summer evening.

"Come on Alora, finish your tea or you won't have dessert" Her mother warned

Alora screwed her face up at her mother's words, she'd been pushing her carrots around her plate for the last 10 minutes. She hated carrots.

"But mummy, they don't taste good!" She moaned
"I don't care, they're good for you!"

Elizabeth stood up taking her and Robert's empty plates into the kitchen. With her back now fully turned from the both of them, Robert took the opportunity to lean over to his daughter. He took the remaining carrots off her plate, eating them quickly in front of her.

"Shhh don't tell your mother" he whispered

Alora's face lit up as her father had eaten what was left of her meal. She giggled quietly with him.

"Thank you daddy" she whispered back
"Now go and give your mother your plate so we can have dessert" he smiled back

The little girl jumped off her seat and proudly walked into the kitchen with her empty plate.

"Here you go mummy, all gone" she smiled innocently

Elizabeth looked down at her daughter and then poked her head out of the kitchen door, sending a knowing look to her husband.

"Robert?" She questioned

He sat there also looking innocently at his wife, but she knew the two were accomplices when her back was turned. She rolled her eyes, a smile creeping up on her lips as she stared down to Alora.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?"
"No mummy, you was right!" She smiled back

She took the plate off the little girl placing them with the rest of the pots that needed washing later. As she was organising dessert, the sound of little footsteps rushing back into the dining room echoed throughout the place. Giggling and laughing could be heard in the air as Alora and her father had gotten away with it, again.

As the day drifted into night, Elizabeth ushered Alora to her bedroom, the soft glow of a bedside lamp casting a comforting warmth. Alora, now in her pajamas, snuggled into the covers as her mother pulled up the cozy quilt.

"Have you checked for monsters under the bed?" She teased
"No mummy can you check please?" She asked worryingly

Elizabeth crouched down, playfully peering under the bed.

"Any monsters hiding here?" She asked with a grin

Alora lay in bed holding the covers up to her face.

"Is there?" She asked quietly

Elizabeth smiled warmly at her daughter, stroking her face in comfort.

"No dear, there's no monsters here tonight"

Alora seemed to relax more now that her mother had confirmed there was nothing hiding under her bed. Elizabeth gently tucked her in, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Evoke (Sebastian Sallow)Where stories live. Discover now