I've got my eye on you

628 18 16

Sebastian's POV

I sat at the table my quidditch team mates had pushed together in the middle of the room, finally time to relax. I definitely needed a drink after the day I'd had, I'm still not sure what to make of it. All I could think about was her. Who was she?

The girl was gorgeous there's no denying it, but I find it odd how haven't I noticed her before? I know all the girls in the year, some a lot more than others if you know what I mean. She just seems so... familiar, I can't put my finger on it. Thinking back on the morning, I remembered there was a warmth to her long brown hair. How it softly reflected the light of the sun, it flowed perfectly down her back smooth as pure silk. Her eyes, oh my god her eyes! My whole world seemed to reflect in them as she was staring right at me. I just had to put on my best poker face.. if not, she would have drowned me in those ocean eyes. There was just something about her, she was different, not like the others. Winters, wasn't it? I must find out her name.

Fire whiskey in hand, I sat in the three broomsticks pondering over the duel. What did Leander mean 'beat you again', I had only laid eyes on her for the first time this morning, I never duelled her before today. I felt like an outsider in my own mind, everyone looking at me as if they knew something I didn't. I tried to rack my brain around the whole thing but it just wasn't adding up to me, I don't understand? Should I ask her about it? I could ask Ominis about her, he knows everything about everyone - Gossip Gaunt, I'll need to speak to him at some point. Maybe she'll be here tonight?

"Cheer up Sallow! What's with the face? Still upset you got beat by a girl hahahah!"

Dymitri Milov or Milo as we call him - beater on the Slytherin quidditch team, transferred from Durmstrang just last year. He was about 6 foot 3, and built by the same firm that did Stonehenge, the guy was huge and the best beater in Hogwarts. God knows what they feed them in Russia. He grabbed my shoulders with his bear like hands, shaking me slightly in an attempt to bring me back from my thoughts.

"Piss off Milo, she got lucky!" I laughed
"Yeah yeah whatever mate, she got you good, you went absolutely flying it was hilarious!"

Being the best duelist in the school, I normally wouldn't stand for that type of talk, but I had to admit, she did get me good. I'd probably let her do it again too, as many times as she wanted.

I drank the remainder of my fire whiskey and blurted out the one question that was playing so heavily on my mind.

"Hey Milo, do you know her name?"
"Winters isn't it? Alora Winters"

I laughed to myself and shook my head to the floor, a smirk just about creeping up on my face. Even her name was beautiful.

"Cheers mate"
"No worries, I'm getting another drink do you want one?"

The evening carried on and the second floor of the pub was just as lively as the bottom. Hogwarts students all drinking and dancing, enjoying the first day back at school, I always loved this tradition we did. I stuck with the lads for the majority of the night, we all stood by the back so the other students could have a chance to sit down. Meanwhile, we were catching up on the latest quidditch scores, discussing new brooms and most importantly, finding out if any of this stupid lot had gotten their dicks wet over the summer.

"Go on then Cooper who was it!" Noah Turner taunted
"She's literally in our house mate, Priscilla Wakefield, you'll know her when you see her" Ellis Replied
"Is she coming tonight? You're deffo getting your dick sucked later haha!"

Her ears must have been ringing because Priscilla had started to make a beeline towards us, dragging her sidekick with her, Violet. They were almost always together you'd never find one without the other, unless one was up to no good with a boy. I did hear about them having a 3 way once though, that spread like wildfire throughout the school.

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