Somebody I used to know

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The day had passed quite quickly thank god, after lessons had finished for the day me and Imelda went back to the common room to have a debrief of the days events. Pacing up and down in front of the fireplace, I tried to piece everything together. Imelda watched on as she sat lazily on the black leather sofa next to me. One could say I looked like a maniac, but l honestly didn't care.

"So you mean to tell me that the boy you spent all fifth year with, running around doing who knows what, has suddenly lost all memory of you?"
"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, I know I must sound crazy, I'm not quite sure what is going on or why he's done it but it all makes sense now!"
"What makes sense Lora?"
"Why he all of a sudden stopped speaking to me, why he didn't even look at me for two years until this morning, why he looked so confused when Leander said I'd beaten him again."
"Has it ever come to mind that maybe he just wants to move on?"

I stopped in my tracks at her words and shot her a glance.

"Imelda please, after everything we went through? He wouldn't do that, he loved-"

Noticing I said too much, I instantly shut my mouth from spilling another word. Imelda looked at me in utter shock.

"He what!"

I cut her off completely.

"Nothing it doesn't matter"

I said quickly with a fake smile. Imelda kept quiet sending a frown my way, I just know she wasn't buying it, but I'm glad she didn't push anymore on the subject. Turning the conversation back I continued pacing and thinking out loud, when all of a sudden it hit me.

"Excuse me?" Imelda responded
"I tried to speak to Ominis after DADA class this morning, but he completely ignored me which is so out of character for him."
"Maybe he knows something we don't?"
"I must owl him immediately! Good chat Imelda I'll catch you in a bit."

I darted off to our dorm room like my life depended on it.

"Don't forget we're having drinks at the three broomsticks later!"

She shouted after me, I completely forgot about that stupid tradition! Why do we have to celebrate the first day of the school year in a pub? On a school night! It makes no bloody sense!

I quickly grabbed some parchment paper from under my bed and began to write him at my desk.

Please meet me in the undercroft tomorrow 8:00pm.
It's important.

I folded up the letter in an envelope and gave it to my owl, Shadow. He was a beautiful bird with bright yellow eyes and all black feathers - Hence his name, my parents gave him to me as a present before I attended Hogwarts so we could keep in contact. God I missed them so much.

Shadow flew off gracefully into the night, leaving me with hopes that Ominis will show up tomorrow.


I got ready and walked with Imelda, Priscilla and Violet to the Three Broomsticks. It was a cold, clear evening, but I didn't mind because the sky was so beautiful to look at. You could see each star shining brightly, it looked like a sea of diamonds leading us on our way. I understood why astrology was so beloved.

We finally got to the entrance at Hogsmeade.

"It's even more lovely at night, isn't it girls?" Priscilla said in awe.
"It's stunning." I replied softly.

'Honestly, if one could bottle the magic of this place.'

Another flashback from fifth year hit me again. Ignoring it, we eagerly strolled through the bustling village, our sights set on the Three Broomsticks.

Evoke (Sebastian Sallow)Where stories live. Discover now