Show us your Patronus

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Monday morning had rolled around once more. The castle was full of life as students moved in every direction to get to their first lot of classes. I did my best to navigate my way through the crowds as I headed to Professor Hecat's classroom, for defence against the dark arts. Upon entering the room I could see Poppy, Natty, and Ominis were all sat with each other so I decided to sit with them. walking over it seemed I caught someone's attention.

"Alora! I saved you a seat"

I turned around to see Hector's beaming smile as he signalled to the spot next to him. I quickly glanced over to my friends who hadn't realised I was even there yet, and then back to the boy behind me. Okay Alora, maybe sitting with him for one class wouldn't be so bad I thought to myself. I walked back, and took a seat next to the Ravenclaw boy.

"Thank you Hector" I smiled back at him
"No problem, you look lovely as ever this morning can I add"
"Aww that's so sweet of you!" I blushed
"I wanted to say thank you as well, for last night. I don't normally speak to anyone about that type of thing. It was nice to have someone listen to me"

I was taken back by his words of gratitude, I've never seen this side of Hector before. It really took me by surprise.

"Absolutely! If you ever need to talk, I'll be happy to listen" I smiled at him
"Thank you" he smiled back

There it was again, that feeling. His eyes met with mine, making me feel some type of way. It was like we both connected with each other in our vulnerable states, helping one another to cope with the personal stuff we were dealing with. I hadn't had that in so long, it felt nice.

"So, when would you be free for our date?" His smile turned into a smirk

Fuck, I completely forgot I said yes to that now. I couldn't let the boy down though, I had to stick to my word, it was only fair. The sooner we had it, the sooner it'd be over with I suppose?

"I'm free whenever you want to take me on it"
"Okay, how's tomorrow evening?"
"Yeah sure that's great"
"Perfect! Make sure you wear something warm!" He chuckled

Something warm? I thought we were just going to go to the Three Broomsticks like he suggested last week? What did he have planned?

"Oh okay, something warm.. got it" I smiled

As I was finishing my sentence a familiar figure had marched past the table, they seemed to stop suddenly before Ominis, Poppy and Natty, as if they expected someone else to be sitting there with them. A feeling of dread washed over me as the figure slowly turned his head in my direction. I know how this looked. It probably wasn't the best idea, but at the end of the day I was single and free to sit with whoever and wherever I wanted. I shouldn't feel guilty for being here... but I did. Sebastian glanced over his shoulder to see that I was sat next to Hector, and if looks could kill we would definitely be dead. The boy then turned his head back around and took the empty seat next to Ominis, throwing his bag on the floor with force. He was pissed.

"Good morning everybody, today we're going to be working on your Patronus. This will be a vital part when it comes to your NEWTS so we need to get them perfected!" Professor Hecat had announced to the class.

"So when you're all ready, I want you to get up and start practicing. I don't expect them to be mastered right now, but we need to get them to last for at least 30 seconds when it's your exams"

30 seconds! That sounded absolutely impossible to me right now, how the hell was we going to manage this?

"Best get our happy thoughts ready then eh" Hector joked as he nudged me slightly

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