Let's meet again for the first time

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"Well, here we are"

We finally reached the wall to the secret entrance of the Slytherin common room, what a day! I was so exhausted from the amount of crying I'd done earlier, I was just happy to be able to get some rest at this point.

"Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to walk me back"

Hector stood close in front of me, he smiled down at me appreciating my words of gratitude.

"My pleasure, you'll think about my proposal though won't you? I meant what I said earlier, I'd love to take you out"
"I will ...good night Hector" I smiled back 

The boy then softly slipped his hand under mine. Lifting it up he held it to his mouth, then placed a gentle kiss on top of my hand. Staring me in the eyes as he did so.

"Good night, Alora"

I waited for Hector to be out of view as he walked back to his common room. Facing the wall before me, I spoke the password and watched on as the serpent slithered across the wall creating the doorway I was so familiar with. Walking down the steps of the house, the room seemed empty. I wasn't really ready to go back to my dorm just yet, so decided to slump myself on the sofa instead. The fireplace greeted me like an old friend, waving at me as I sat down in front of her. Luring me in, I was hypnotised as she slowly caught my soul within her flames. She was dancing beautifully above the logs in her iron bed, you wouldn't think she could be so dangerous if she misbehaved.

Relaxing on the sofa I closed my eyes now fully laid down, with only my thoughts to keep me company.

'Ah! You must be the new fifth year! I'm Sebastian Sallow, Welcome to Slytherin'
'Seems I may have met a kindred spirit!'

My eyes shot open. I can't take these flashbacks again, my mind was becoming a chamber of reflection that I couldn't escape from. I sat up slightly, hoping I wouldn't experience the pain I felt not that long ago in the undercroft. As I did so, I noticed a green hue that was seeping through my chest... the necklace. I pulled it through the collar of my shirt holding it in my hands, why was it glowing? Swirls of silver floated around the gemstone in unison this time, going faster than I remembered it being. What is going on?

I suddenly had a strange feeling come over me, like I was being watched. I looked around the dimly lit room but couldn't see anything out the ordinary. Am I going crazy or am I just sleep deprived? Out of nowhere, the stone seemed to stop glowing and the swirls had gone back to their original pace. I need to find that book Sebastian found all those years ago I thought to myself, maybe I can find some answers in there? I placed the necklace back through my shirt and fell asleep to the sounds of the fire softly crackling next to me.

'Alora, what have you done!'
'Sebastian, you said you wanted me to help her!'

I looked down noticing Anne was on the floor beside me, her face white as snow, body cold as ice. Her eyes staring up at the ceiling now vacant, she was devoid of all human emotion. Her mouth slightly open, I could see how her lips had turned to a beautiful shade of periwinkle. She was at peace, finally.

'See, I've taken her pain away!' I smiled frantically towards him

The blood was slowly pooling around her small frame and gravity was now taking over, pulling it down her fragile body. She was gone.

My hands were tingling as the ancient magic surged through my fingertips, a black mass now spiralling around my wand. I'd done it.

'Alora.. no no no no!'

Sebastian rushed to Anne's side cradling her head between his hands as he knelt behind her. His eyes were like glass as hot tears came pouring out of them, gracefully hitting her head on the way down. He pressed his forehead on the girls, preserving any time he had left with her.

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