Obsessed with you

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Sebastian's POV

*Sexual content warning*

I woke up feeling accomplished this Saturday morning, I truly did outdo myself this time. The thrill of last night coursed through my body, the taste of her lips still lingered on mine. I couldn't believe how close we were getting, and tonight it would only get better. My mind was just consumed with thoughts of her, it was like I couldn't think straight, all I could think about was her. My obsession with her was tightening its grip around me, a possessiveness that fuelled a relentless desire to make her mine. She was taking over me completely. I wasn't used to this at all? What the hell was happening to me? As I sat in bed thinking of the her and the night before, somehow Ominis could sense something was up.

"Sebastian? What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? This girls driving me fucking insane Ominis! That's what wrong! She's like a drug I can't get enough of. I think about her morning, noon and night. I need her, she's mine."

Ominis sighed in annoyance, his patience clearly tested by my sudden outburst.

"You can't just go around claiming girls as your own you know?"
"Oh I can, and I will" I declared
"You're insane Sebastian" he muttered
"She's making me insane!"
"This isn't healthy, you're going to scare the poor girl away" he moaned

A twisted grin crossed my face, a blend of desire and probably madness.

"But she's different Ominis! I'm drawn to her like a moth to a flame, I can't resist her pull"
"Sebastian, you need to control yourself. Listen to what you're saying!" He yelled in frustration

I got out of bed and started pacing up and down the room, ignoring his warning completely.

"I can't control it Ominis, she's in my head, under my skin. I need her to complete me"
"You seriously need to calm down, she's just a girl. She's no different from the others you've bedded" he shook his head
"She is though, she's perfect. I can just feel that we're meant to be, that's why I can't let her go. She's mine and I'll make damn sure she realises it"

Ominis seemed taken back at my words, he took a breath. Worry palpable in his voice.

"Now you're just sounding delusional, Sebastian. I'm glad that she makes you so happy but please, be careful.. you can't force destiny"

Ignoring the boy once more, I replied.

"Why would I need to be careful? No one can resist destiny, especially not her. Anyways, we have another date tonight so we'll soon see, won't we" I smirked
"I'm sure we will" he sighed


It was now noon, I'd let Alora have the day for herself as I'd be spending time with her this evening. I didn't want to fully suffocate the girl, did I? As much as I craved her presence every single moment, I couldn't be with her all the time, not just yet anyway. I obviously missed lunch again, so I headed to the kitchens for a good meal. The distant sounds of laughter and conversation echoed through the corridors, a reminder of life within the castle walls. My journey continued as I walked casually down the steps towards the beloved kitchen. The aroma of cooked food still prominent in the air, as I was about to tickle the pear on the portrait a familiar voice had stopped me.

"Sebastian, fancy seeing you here. It's been a while" she smiled hopefully

I give her a small nod her way, my eyes distant. As nasty as it was, I didn't want to give her any impression that I actually gave a fuck about her.

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