1: Rafaelli

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"Double-check and ensure you don't squander my time with these absurd proposals."

"It's a good..."

"Clive, don't waste my time." My head throbbed from these discussions. Business had been consuming a lot of my time, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I needed to stay occupied. I was more comfortable when my mind was engaged.

"Now, Clive, disappear and don't show your face unless you have something substantial." He scurried away without uttering a word.

I took a deep breath and moved closer to the ceiling-length glass panes to gaze outside. The view was one of the reasons I had relocated my office here, but the safety and security of the Redfire Building provided me the comfort to conduct my operations efficiently. The Rafaelli Group of Companies encompassed a wide variety of sectors ranging from entertainment, sports, real estate, technology and much more. The headquarters were located in the heart of the Manhattan. Far, far away from the demons chasing me from the other side of the country. Contrary to my interest in New York, I had no particular fondness for the city. It was like a vice around my throat, consuming me in its death-like grip. But I wasn't complaining. I had chosen to surrender myself into this life a long time ago.

I glanced at the time on my Rolex, a fusion of luxury and power with a built-in GPS tracker that transmitted my live location to pre-selected contacts at the press of a concealed button. Much like everything else in my life it was a necessary evil I had learnt to live with. It was three in the afternoon.

"Ares, Arnoldo Napi is here for your 3 o'clock appointment. Shall I send him in?" Valentina, my secretary, caught my attention. She wore a hot red tight-fitting skirt showing off her toned long legs. Her blouse was the same hue of red and hugged her body nicely. She was a valued employee as well as a trusted friend.

I nodded, and she hesitated for a moment. "What's the matter?" The hair at the back of my neck stood up. Arnoldo never brought me comfort. He was someone I preferred to keep at arm's length. He was dangerous, a rabid dog that I preferred to keep at bay unless he provoked me.

"Mr. Napi is not alone. He has two men accompanying him."

"Send them in, Valentina."

Half a minute later, the man sauntered in with his lackeys by his side. My father had cautioned me about how dangerous he was, but all that was left of him now was a shadow of a man who basked in his former glory. I wasn't going to make the mistake of underestimating him, but I felt no fear.

"Son, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while." He flashed a half-smile revealing teeth decayed by years of meth consumption. His face was round and sunburnt. The receding hairline betrayed his age. Still, he was dressed impeccably. He came from money and power and wasn't afraid to flaunt either.

"Napi, sit." I commanded. "Are you so terrified of me that you had to bring your henchmen to my workplace?" I saw him glance behind him and wave a hand dismissively. "Oh, Roco and Charlie pose no threat to you. Can't say the same for that sexy wench out there." He laughed, causing his entire body to shake. My hands curled at my sides.

"Watch your step, Napi. I don't tolerate nonsense when it comes to my people."

"Oh, relax. By the time I'm done with her, she'll be begging to please me." The two goons exchanged a knowing look before smirking to themselves. I could see their line of thought, and it was leaving a sour taste in my mouth. The urge to hit him was pounding in my blood.

"You're walking on thin ice. You'll think twice before you speak." My voice must've been threatening to him because I saw their smirk fade and Arnoldo raise his hands in surrender.

"Alright, whatever you say, son. Let's get to business if that's what you prefer. Now, my nephew tells me you've withdrawn the money. I told him surely you wouldn't do that. Our families have been cooperating for ages, and you wouldn't upset me." There was an underlying threat in his voice.

Ah, yes! Christopher Napi.

Christopher was the son of Arnoldo's deceased brother. They ran a weapons manufacturing company, of which I was a major financier. I had withdrawn the money after Christopher was implicated in terrorism activities and charged for supplying various organizations with arms and weapons of mass destruction. Arnoldo had paid a hefty sum to free his nephew, but I wasn't going to dirty my hands anymore. I had cleaned up enough mess my father had left over the years. The price I paid for it was too high.

"You know where I stand on this, Napi, and the next time you think of threatening me will be the end of you and your little shit." My voice was loud and clear, leaving no room for any misinterpretation of my intention.

"I'm not threatening you, Ares. We both know Christopher made a mistake, and I'm still paying for his foolish actions. But I need the money. Your father I..." I cut him off by raising a single finger.

"My father made reckless decisions, but I am not him, and I don't tolerate betrayal. The damage has been done, and you will pay for it with the ruin of your empire." I stood up, effectively ending the meeting. Arnoldo sat defeated. "Think about who you choose to trust next time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be somewhere." I walked out of my office to the waiting car. Jason opened the door for me. He was a former special forces veteran and functioned as the head of my security team. With the number of enemies, I had made along the way and inherited from my family, constant security was imperative. I had learnt to live with it now. Even in my territory the enemy waited in the shadows to pounce and get his share of me.

"Where to, Mr. Rafaelli?" He asked. "To the Midtown club." The Midtown Club was one of many clubs I owned and occasionally visited to oversee the operations. I leaned back against the seat, and my thoughts drifted to Arnoldo. He wasn't someone who'd let go of my dismissal so easily. I dialled a number on my cell, and he answered on the second ring. "Boss." The gruff voice on the other side suited the man.

"Milo, I want you to keep an eye on Arnoldo and his nephew. I want to know everything."

Milo was hired to follow instructions, and he did so diligently without any questions. His loyalty was what I valued the most, along with his sharp mind. "On it." He was a man of few words, and I appreciated it. His fist talked and that was something he was good at.

Jason slid behind the wheels and turned on the ignition. We hit the road, and my eyes roamed outside catching the sight of the busy pedestrians. A sight I had grown so accustomed to that it barely interested me anymore. I avoided crowds at all costs, but New York had other plans for me. Something else caught my eye. The movement in white dazzled me, flooding me with a riot of emotions. I could hardly breathe with what I saw. No way. This had to be a dream. I had been through this scenario a thousand times before in my dreams. There were times when sleep gave me comfort knowing I'd see her in my dreams. But I often woke up to the nightmare that she wasn't here anymore. I had made sure of it.

"Stop the car." The words left my mouth without a second's thought. He stopped immediately. As did my heart.

She was here and in flesh and bones. The woman I left behind and yet the one who tormented me in my memories. I could almost smell her perfume although it was impossible for me to do so from this side of the street. A gust of wind blew her hair across her face, and she turned her face towards me.

I knew in that moment that she would devastate me.

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