27: Brunch- Part 2

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"Yeah, tell us," Marc joined, "we are dying to know how you got lover boy to fall for you."

"Don't put her on the spot." Ares snapped. I placed my hand on his to calm him down. "It's okay. I don't mind." I whispered softly.

I cleared my throat and started, "I saw Ares for the first time on the college campus in San Francisco in my freshman year." I was nineteen and he was everything girls my age wanted. I remembered how I'd look for him around the campus hoping to catch a glimpse of him and how the sight of him spread butterflies in my belly. "He never noticed me. He was always with his guys. But every girl was swooning over him. I was one of them."

Why wouldn't they? He was single, hot, always respectful and generous. He was the bad boy without any bad side to him.

"Not quite, love." He interjected smoothly. Sipping his wine, he stretched out, placing his hand around my shoulder. He gave me one of his rare smiles and I saw the love on his face. It made my heart ache.

"I noticed you. I was smitten by you. It took me months to come up with courage to approach you but I couldn't tell you how I felt. So, I found out where you worked and joined the same shifts as you." I was speechless. I couldn't believe he had done that. All this time, I thought it was a matter of luck that we ended up working at the same place. I should've known, a man like Ares didn't depend on chances.

"Your mom was so unhappy to know you were working in college. She couldn't understand why you'd needed to work. I wondered too, son."

Darius and Sophia were wealthy. It would make no sense for Ares to work for earning his bread but he'd done so just to talk to me.

"I asked her out one day after sweating it all week and she agreed."

"That surprised you?" I couldn't help but ask. He could have anyone. I had never wondered why me of all the other girls until today and I remained forever grateful that he fell in love with me.

"Don't look at me like that, cara, you were the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. When you agreed to be my girlfriend, I felt like I was the luckiest guy in the world."

For two years after that we had the most amazing time. We grew deeply in love each day. He took care of me, supported me financially and emotionally through college.

"That is so sweet. I can't imagine you of all people being nervous to ask a girl out." Manuel was right. No one would imagine the man we all saw before us now to be anything but cocky about his looks and his abilities to pull women. Any red-blooded woman would drop to her knees for him. I was no exception.

"I was a different man back then." He was raised by his grandparents and they had instilled old school ideas of romance in him. He'd shown up to the first date in his grandfather's old tux and a Porsche with red roses for me and waited until the fifth date to take me to his bed, but there was nothing old school about the way he'd fucked me.

Suddenly I was very, very aroused by the thought of him fucking me for the very first time. My pulse leaped and my throat dried, I had flashes of me writhing under him as he passionately kissed me while his cock screwed me over and over again. My breath became shallow and I was hit with a desperate need to get the hell out of here and ride him wildly.

Then Manuel spoke and my arousal was sparked by jealousy.

"Of course, you are," he winked at Ares. "Love makes a fool out of men."

"How would you know? No one's ever loved you." Ares shot back. Manuel faked a heartache but I had to agree it was a brutal blow.

"Valentina surely did not too long ago."

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