4: Pleasure

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I had just finished taking a long shower. The hot water had soothed the need for warmth of a loved one. Wet hair clung to skin when I stepped out of the bathroom and looked for my hair dryer. I had changed into simple white cotton tee and black silk shorts because I was ready to crash hard and even though I needed to put food in my mouth, the thought of it churned my stomach. My apartment was my safe space and something I could call home although I didn't see much of a future here after the day I'd had. I was going to have to move back in with my parents and look for a job now that the hopes of starting my own business had perished. It didn't make me feel any good about by any means. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. I wasn't expecting anyone at this hour and the door man hadn't even called to confirm. I wondered who it was as I made my way to receive the intruder.

Opening the door, I was met with a familiar face. Ares. The sight of him knocked the breath out of me. Christ! How was I supposed to function when every time I saw him, my brain crashed. But it was the pure male beauty of him that made my heart rate go up. He looked younger than he did earlier now that he was in a pair of jeans, and a plain white tee over his ripped body. A jacket covered his arms but didn't hide the physique underneath. There was no way he looked that gorgeous and had that much power. He looked just like any other guy coming over to hang out with his girlfriend, but there was nothing ordinary about him. Without his suit, I could see the muscles of his arms and defined biceps. God, he worked out good! His dark locks of hair were pushed back like he usually did and showed off a clear view of those gorgeous blue eyes.

How did he find me? I had never given him my address.

"Ares?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He stepped into my apartment and instantly paused. "Jesus Christ, Luna! Is that how you open the door to strangers?" I wasn't sure what he was talking about until I noticed myself and found my top was soaking wet from my hair and had left behind a spot across my chest. Of course, it also meant it had sheered out the fabric and my lack of under-garments had revealed my breasts to the man in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I tried to play it off cool like it didn't bother me to be found in this state.

He stood there, a soft smile on his face. "I needed to see you, Luna," he said, his voice filled with an emotion I couldn't quite place.

"But how did you find me?" I asked, my mind racing with questions. "I never gave you, my address."

Ares simply shrugged. "I have my ways," he said, a hint of mischief in his eyes. I didn't doubt that. "You had me followed." He wisely didn't respond.

"Why are you here, Ares?"

"You're driving me crazy, Luna. You're teasing and taunting me about bringing home an asshole from the bar. How could I stay away." It was then I realised he was jealous. He was here to make sure I hadn't brought over a guy. In that moment, I wished I had just to see his reaction.

"You've managed to stay away for five years well enough." Grief washed over his beautiful face, and it almost made me feel bad for him. Almost. But Ares was good at masking his emotions and so he did, turning his face into an impassive wall. That made me want to piss him off even more. "I'm sure Valentina provided the much-needed help."

"Damnit, Luna! We broke up, should I have remained celibate for the rest of my life?" A bitter laugh left my throat. As sexual as the man in front of me was, no one could expect him to be a monk. His insanely gorgeous body didn't help either. Women would throw themselves at him any chance they got, even when we were together. But that didn't mean it didn't bother me. He continued, "I imagine you have dated since we ended as well."

His expression changed from irritation to disbelief when he saw my face. He stepped closer and held me by my arms, urging me to face him, but I couldn't. "You haven't." It wasn't a question. But I answered anyway. "I couldn't." Our separation had broken a part of me that left me incapable of ever loving someone again. As silly as it sounded, I was married to him in my mind and wanted to stay loyal to his memories.

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