28: Truth

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The sky grew dark and neon lights illuminated the city. Manhattan was glowing like its usual self, the city roaring to life at any given moment of the day. My penthouse on the high rise spared me the blaring of horns and the smoke from the uncountable vehicles. Up here the security was tighter than one could ever imagined. No one could get past the front desk without being on the approval list or without necessary security checks. The penthouse was a fortress. It protected me from my enemies while I slept. But I always wore my heart on my sleeves. I thought by having Luna move in with me I could shield her from those who wanted to hurt her. I was sure I'd let the world burn before I let the flames graze her.

But I was severely mistaken.

In here I could protect her body, but it was her mind that I could not contain. It wandered and sought answers. Since I wasn't giving her those, she sought them from those who stood much to gain in my downfall. My knuckles turned white from the sheer force of my fingers clutching the glass of whiskey. It caved under the pressure and shattered on the floor.

I had failed to secure her. She left me.

Like the shards of glass that cut through my palm she had forsaken me leaving my heart wounded and bleeding. Christopher had taken her right from my arms, and I couldn't stop him. Couldn't protect her.

I grew restless with every passing moment. Hours had passed and the sun was going down. I checked my cell phone every five minutes but found her location still in the same spot. The tracker I had instructed to install in her phone was updating me of her location but it wouldn't budge for the past few hours. My heart pounded against my chest. As much as I wanted, I couldn't ram my fist into that bastard. How could I when Luna looked at me with shame and disgust?

Manuel offered to go with her on my behalf. She didn't protest his presence but that couldn't suffice. He kept me updated but Christopher wouldn't let him into his territory and from his location outside the gates of his estate there was little he could do.

My phone pinged with a message, and I immediately clicked it open.

I've got her. The message from Manuel read. Air filled my lungs and for the first time I felt like I could have a satisfactory breath. I saw the red dot coming closer. She was headed to the penthouse. It was a good thing. I was worried she'd cut off ties and leave me, but I was glad she wanted to be with me, even if it was to cuss me out.

The elevator pinged and Luna stepped into the foyer. I was on my feet and near her before she could even step a foot outside.

"Luna, Christ are you okay?" I wrapped her in a hug, breathing her scent and having my fill of her. My grip on her remained tight, afraid that she'd disappear. She didn't protest even as I crushed her into me.

"I'm okay." Her voice was small, her body slender and petite in my arms.

I examined her face by tucking her hair behind her ears. It was slightly messy after a long day, but she remained a beauty yielding me to my knees. "I should've never let you go, my love. I should've crawled on my hands and knees and begged you to stay." If it was answers that she sought then I'd give them to her. I thought my pain was mine alone, but nothing compared to the grief of losing the love of my life.

"I want to tell you everything, Luna."

"You don't have to. That's not why I went with Christopher. But you understand why I did, don't you?" Yes, I did know. I had failed to realise how she must've felt. I had left her and then taken her back, but things had changed. I brought into my new world and blinded her from the truth. It was her unwavering love for me that guided her through the unknown. But I needed to make her see, give her the light.

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