8: Ambush

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I felt a new rush of excitement in my body when I stepped out of my car although my usual worries were replaced by the thought of a certain brunette, I had the privilege of having in my arms not too long ago. Just the thought of Luna put my mind at ease and transported me back to simpler times. God, I missed those moments when I had no worries, had the love of my life in my arms, when I slept at night dreaming about her lush body and woke up to her lips around my cock. She stirred my blood and gave me content, something that I become alien to in the past five years.

I had made a solemn promise to myself to shield her from my chaos, even if it necessitated distancing her for her own safety.

However, last night, my self-control faltered. In her presence, I transformed. I was vulnerable and susceptible to persuasion. I had already put my hands and mouth on her but that moment with her Velocity had been my dream come true. I was unable to resist her intoxicating smell and the seductive sway of her curves. Fuck! I had to have her, and I did. Losing myself in her delicious body had been my salvation.

And yet, the nagging voice in my head told me I was putting her in the crossfire and in the warzone that was my life. She was innocent and so pure, and I had defiled her by putting my bloody hands on her.

My dick stirred at the image of her, naked and wet in the shower last night. It had taken every ounce of my willpower to restrain myself from tearing of my clothes and sinking into her. It was even more painful to see the same desire and hunger in her eyes and to pull away. Not even the cold shower I had after that could calm me down.

"Is this the place?" Manuel asked, his gaze sweeping over the vast, open land beside me. The location had been chosen with care, a secluded spot hidden from public view, perfect for what I had planned. My fingers brushed against the lapels of my jacket, feeling the reassuring presence of the gun I always carried.

"Let's move," I commanded. My men, each armed and ready, fanned out around me, their eyes scanning the surroundings. I had no doubt about their loyalty; they would lay down their lives for me without a moment's hesitation. The distant blaring of horns and the salty breeze served as reminders that we were in the right place.

"There it is." I pointed towards the dock where two men were unloading a small boat. I watched with anticipation as my possessions were brought into the light.

"È tutto?" Toni questioned, his gaze darting between the two men as if expecting more. "Patience," I advised him. That was all we could do - wait patiently. As ten minutes ticked by, the men finally finished unloading their boat. What they brought out next were bodies, lifeless and bound. They callously dropped them in front of us, then quickly disappeared after Manuel handed them their cash reward. The operation had cost me a few hundred grand, but in my eyes, it was a small price to pay for the prize I was acquiring. The lifeless bodies hit the ground with a dull thud, a grim reminder of the world we inhabited.

"Fuck, are they dead?" Manuel's voice was tinged with a palpable worry, but it didn't faze me. "No," I responded, my tone firm and ominous. I cast a glance at them, my eyes seething with fury. "They don't have my permission to die... yet."


The warehouse was private and far from the reach of the enforcement. It was my area, and none could pass through the gates without my men annihilating them. But Toni and Manuel kicked the bodies in front of me, they came back to life coughing and wheezing. The air had to be too fresh and still, a far cry from the sea they had crossed on my orders. Their eyes were bloodshot red and sunken in. I had no doubt the journey was harsh. Toni grabbed the man who shorter of the two and slammed his fist on his face, busting his lip and drawing blood. He fell to the ground in a thud.

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