2: Luna

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I stood before the empty shop space, my heart filled with dreams yet shadowed by the harsh reality of my financial constraints. For the meeting, I ensured that my appearance was well-groomed. I selected a white blouse, which was neatly tucked into my cream skirt. My dark hair was left to cascade down my shoulders. I applied a minimal amount of makeup and added a subtle tint to my lips, just enough to present a professional yet fresh look.

Beside me was Joe Montez, my real estate agent. He saw the spark in my eyes, the same spark he had seen in many before me. But he said mine was different. It was brighter, fiercer. He wanted to help me.

"Look, I know it's a stretch," Joe began, his voice steady and reassuring. "But this place, it's perfect for you. It's not just about the money."

I turned to him, my eyes meeting his. "Joe, I can't afford it," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to start my dream drowning in debt."

Joe nodded, understanding my concerns. "What if we could negotiate the lease? Meet the owner, talk to him. Maybe he'll see what I see in you."

"Do you think he would even agree to meet me?" I asked, uncertainty in my thoughts. But there was also hope.

"There's only one way to find out," Joe smiled, his confidence unwavering.

In the end, I agreed to meet the owner. The meeting was set and as I walked away from the empty shop space, I couldn't help but look back. It was still just an empty space, but in my mind, it was already my dream come true.

The day was a whirlwind of emotions. The prospect of leasing the shop in the heart of the Manhattan filled me with a strange mix of excitement and apprehension. The building, with its vintage charm and bustling location, was perfect for my dream restaurant. But the rent was steep, almost daunting.

I decided to negotiate, to plead for a reduced rent. Pessimism gnawed at me, whispering that the owner would refuse. Yet, the glimmer of hope refused to die. It was a risk I was willing to take for my dream. I didn't have anything to lose.

Night fell, bringing with it a blanket of silence. The ticking clock was a stark reminder of the impending meeting. I tossed and turned in my bed, the thoughts about the future plaguing my mind. The sheets felt cold against my skin, mirroring the chill of uncertainty that had seeped into my heart.

In the midst of the restless night, I reached for my phone, dialing the familiar numbers. The weekly call to my parents, a ritual that had become my anchor in the stormy sea of life. Their voices were laced with concern and love echoing through the line. We exchanged pleasantries, talked about their day, my plans.

Sleep finally claimed me, pulling me into its comforting embrace. Yet, the unease lingered, casting long shadows on my dreams. The owner of the building, a faceless entity in my thoughts, now seemed like a formidable adversary. The meeting was supposed to be a simple business negotiation, yet now it felt like a battlefield.

I knew I was overthinking it. My mind always went into overdrive about the future. But I always liked to imagine the worst and brace myself for it. Nothing was permanent. Heartbreak could come any moment to anyone. I shielded myself so that I wouldn't break down yet again.

The morning dawned, bringing with it the reality I had been dreading. As I stood in front of the mirror, the reflection staring back at me was of a woman on the verge of a life-altering decision. The knot in my stomach tightened and the restlessness transformed into a full-blown anxiety. I focused on making myself look professional and focused. I put on a red blouse and a black pencil skirt for the meeting. I took my time to put on make-up and coated my lips in a nude colour and smoked my eyeliner just a bit to make me look confident yet a mystery. My feet were in black pumps.

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