7: Intruder

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The guest bedroom was spacious and designed with state-of-the-art modern furnishings, but I didn't expect any less from a luxury penthouse in this side of the city. After our embarrassing encounter in the bathroom Ares had left me alone in shame but not before leaving a plain white t-shirt and a pair of his boxers still in their packaging on the bed. I wondered what I was thinking standing naked in front of him and not even attempting to cover myself. Ashamed of my reckless actions I collapsed on the bed.

The sunlight peeked through the blinds and woke me up. I loved wearing his clothes, they reminded me of our college days when I was his girlfriend and raided his closet. But now I was nothing more than a one-night stand.

As I stood by the door, grateful for the spare toothbrush Ares had left for me, I heard voices outside. My sleep-mussed hair was pulled into a bun atop my head. I glanced toward the living area of the penthouse, where two men were engaged in conversation. One of them wore a brown leather jacket, but his face remained hidden from my angle. His dark hair resembled Ares', yet it flowed longer, gracefully falling above his collar. Meanwhile, Ares stood bare-chested, glistening with sweat—a clear sign that he had been working out. My breath caught at the magnificent sight of his sculpted muscles and neatly groomed body hair. It was both mesmerizing and unsettling to witness him in this raw state.

He was a sight to behold, and I was the lucky girl to have the pleasure of seeing him in this state first thing in the morning. His washboard abs gave me ideas, none fit in the company of another individual. I had flashes of him moving atop me wearing nothing but clean sweat and the scent of my body. I clenched my thighs in nervous anticipation when his eyes landed on me, and it was as if he had the same thoughts running in his mind. Ares gave me a once over in a deliberate slow motion. I wondered how he felt watching me in his clothes again.

As if on cue, the other man swivelled around, following Ares' gaze, and his eyes landed on me. His skin was tanned, his eyes a pale hazel, and his lips full. He sported a full beard, neatly trimmed with sharp edges. A small bald line marked his right eyebrow, but it didn't detract from his attractiveness. He paused as he looked at me, his hazel eyes widening in apparent recognition. He darted his gaze between Ares and me a few times in rapid succession, cursing under his breath. "Holy shit, dude!" he exclaimed.

He stood up abruptly to get a better look at me. I felt exposed and uncomfortable standing before two men who exuded confidence and seemed taken aback by my presence. "No way, Rafaelli!" he exclaimed.

Ares approached me with quick strides. "Sleep well?" he asked in his raspy voice, that had a toe-curling effect on me. "Yes, thank you," I replied. "Yes, thank you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company." I said, feeling awkward. "Don't be. Manuel was just leaving," Ares responded. And because of the state of my appearance, I knew I gave the impression of a woman who had clearly spent the night tumbling in sheets with Ares.

"No, I'm not, dude," Manuel interjected, extending his hand towards me, and flashing a charming smile that I was sure had won many hearts. "Manuel Bianchi, nice to meet you," he introduced himself. I took his hand and offered him a genuine smile in return. "Luna Russo," I replied.

"I know who you are. It's so awesome to finally meet you," he said. I wasn't surprised that Manuel knew me. Ares must have mentioned my name to him at some point. However, I was taken aback by his reaction to seeing me.

"I'm surprised Ares mentioned me at all," As soon as the words left my mouth, I saw Ares clench his jaw in irritation. I quickly clarified, "I mean, it's been a long time between us." Long, painful, and confusing years. I couldn't help but be bitter about the past even though I knew I should be grateful for my present. Ares was here and it was all I had ever dreamt of. Now I wanted more.

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