15: Boss

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I was still lost in the lingering taste of Luna's lips hours after the sun had set when my desk phone rang. "Mrs. Rafaelli is on the line. She wants to speak with you." Valentina, my secretary, spoke after greeting me. My mother had been calling me all weekend, but I had deliberately avoided the conversations with her. I preferred to keep our interactions minimal and not force myself to build a relationship with her that she desperately tried to forge. I didn't hold a grudge against her, but I found no reason to pretend like we were a big happy family when in fact there was nothing common between us aside from the colour of our eyes.

Still, all was well in life now that Luna was with me, so I decided to talk to her. "Put her through."

I could tell my mother was delighted to hear from me and it made me uneasy to hear her affectionate greeting. "Mother," I replied curtly to her greeting, "how can I help you?"

"Ares, I've been calling you all weekend. You never answer my calls." I leaned back in my chair aware that if I spoke the reason for my avoidance, she'd get upset. It didn't bother me, but I was not inclined to ruin my good day.

I knew it upset Luna to learn more about my relationship with my family or rather the lack of it because it was vastly different from the one she shared with her folks. They were a tight-knit bundle, and I always envied the easy-going relationship she shared with them.

"I've been busy." I replied.

"Manuel told me. About her." The mention of Luna put me on alert. I didn't fault Manuel; my mother was a persistent woman, something I had come to realise I admired because I had inherited that from her as well.

"It's none of your concern." It was no surprise to anyone that I was in love with Luna. The way I used to be was obvious to whoever was in my life. My parents, my friends and even my men had all been a witness to my obsessive love towards Luna. So much that it had worried everyone around me. Heck, it even bothered me how much I needed her to survive. There was nothing I'd wouldn't do for her. Then or now.

"Well, of course it is. My son is in love, and I want to meet her." There was joy in her tone which made me uneasy. I realised I was shifting in my seat too much. Talk about being uncomfortable.


"Ares don't be like that. Bring her over to our garden party next week."

I paused and stared at the picture of Luna on my desk. It was a clever shot taken during my stalking days. But she looked beautiful and radiant in her little yellow sundress. It warmed my heart when I'd look at her. I found myself agreeing to my mom's suggestion. "She was excited when I mentioned meeting the family. I'll ask her if she's available and let you know."

I was keeping a lot of things from Luna including my family. Letting her meet them was few of the things I could give her without hampering her safety and so I agreed. Besides it would score me points. After all, wasn't it one of her complaints that I wasn't letting her on in my life? Maybe she'd be pleased with me after meeting my godawful family and have some pity for me. Enough to consider moving in. The thought made me look forward to my parents' party.

I hung up and switched to the secondary line flashing on my phone. Valentina reminded me of my next appointment. "Send them in."


I was done by five, an unusually early end of the day for me considering it was still Monday but I tracked Luna through her phone and found her in the penthouse. She was waiting for me. I was pleased to know she was at the right place. Her apartment was outside my turf and made it difficult for me to protect her, not that anything could stop me from getting to her. I'd go into the pits of hell if she called for me.

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