13: Interrogation

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I moved with deliberation. Standing in my spot gave an illusion of power imbalance with me having the upper hand over whoever was across from me. I never intended to use it against Luna. I wanted her to be an equal to me, the queen of my empire and my strong partner, except when she was underneath me in bed. Then I'd make her submit and take everything her body had to offer. And God, did she give it all to me.

It was also one of the reasons I had asked Manuel to stay back so that I could keep my gaze focused on getting answers from her without getting distracted by her sexy body.

She heard my question and I saw her eyes widen and her lips part to release the gush of air she had been holding. I knew she was going to question how I knew it, but I didn't let her focus on my methods and instead directed her towards my motives. I kept my voice down and anger out of my tone since I wanted her to share her worries with me and not be intimidated by me. I suspected that's why she hadn't mentioned running into Christopher in the elevator on her way out on the day he had barged into my office.

And now he had broken into her home. A place where I couldn't be present to shield her from scums like him.

"Ares, it's not like that," she began but I cut her off, "Explain, now."

"I was going to tell you. I had no intention of keeping it from you." She glanced at Manuel who gauzed her reactions unmoving.

"Can we please be alone?" She pleaded. "No." I replied flatly. She looked taken aback by my answer.

With a determined tilt to her jaw she answered, "I found Christopher in my home along with his bodyguards on Wednesday. I don't know how he found out where I live or how he broke in. But Jason warned me he was dangerous, so I knew he had to have his ways. Anyway, I called you as soon as he left, but you wouldn't answer. I left texts on your phone, but you never got back to me. I even went back to your penthouse but the guy at the front desk told me you weren't home. So, I asked Jason if he knew where you were, and he drove me to the bar. I was going to tell you everything but then ...." She trailed off but she didn't need to elaborate further.

She had been looking for me all day. But I was unreachable, unbothered to get back to her after being distraught over the attack in my warehouse and worried about Toni. She had seen me with Valentina and that had sparked her jealousy. I felt like an asshole for not being there.

"What did he want from you?" Manuel interrupted asking a question that was on my mind.

Her throat worked on swallowing the invisible lump. What had Christopher said to her?

"Nothing." She lied. I knew her better than anyone to know she wasn't being straight with me. Taking steps forward I rounded the desk and closed the distance between her. There was enough space between her and my desk for me to stand in front of her. I leaned back on the desk and watched her gaze up at me through her lashes. The image stirred something so wildly erotic in me. My dick practically jerked in my pants. Fuck! I wanted her to look up at me the same way when I was pushing my cock past her plump lips. She was at the perfect height in her chair to just thrust my hips forward and claim her mouth. A gift I had intentionally deprived myself of.

Manuel shot me a look, his lips curving up on one side knowing exactly what I was thinking. But I suspected the electrifying passion between me and Luna was evident to whoever looked at us. There was no denying that both of us wanted to jump each other's bone at any given moment.

She took a deep breath, her breasts swelling and catching my attention. She was fully clothed, yet she was sexy as hell. Mine, all mine.

"Speak, Luna." My voice was firm. I'd fuck her later, deeply, and thoroughly until her body was limp. We had been at each other all night long. The exhaustion in my body wasn't so evident but I was loose-limbed and relaxed until the news had come to my knowledge boiling my blood.

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