12: Tiramisu

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Saturday saw Jason waiting outside my apartment at half past eleven in the morning. I was dressed in olive slacks and a black sleeveless corset top. My jewellery was minimal consisting of pearl earrings my mom had gifted me for graduation and my watch. With black pumps to match I was greeted with an open door to the car.

The car ride to Velocity Towers was smooth and I was excited to see what Mario had planned for his menu. The restaurant was coming up nicely and the kitchen was almost ready. The seating area was still empty, but the interior decorator had assured me that he had noted my choices and forwarded them to the furniture company. Mario arrived shortly before noon and greeted me with a charming smile. He was dressed casually in a white shirt and dark formal pants. He began cooking and within the short time he had whipped up a delicious meal consisting of spaghetti carbonara, risotto and tiramisu for dessert.

My mouth watered at the first taste of the buttery, cheesy delicacy. A comfort food and equally fascinating to me. I gave him a thumbs up and he grinned. Mario was a natural flirt who kept the cooking environment light and fun and was perfect to manage kitchens in a bustling city like Manhattan. I was sure he'd be a positive influence and excellent guy to work with.

I refrained myself from immediately hiring him, deciding to wait at least until I had tasted the heavenly dessert.

"Luna, here's the secret: You must savour it directly from the chef's hands to truly relish the luxurious, creamy flavours. That's how you'll experience it at its absolute best." The creamy ensemble of coffee, sugar, cheese, and cocoa added luxurious depth to each bite. Of course, the way Mario had made it made my mouth water instantly. He held out a spoonful to me and I accepted the bite eager to experience the goodness. I threw my head back and moaned at the taste.

A movement at the doorway halted me mid-bite into my dessert. Ares took my breath away, appearing in his signature black three-piece suit. A white shirt peeked from underneath, complemented by a matching white tie. He looked sophisticated, alluring, and every bit the alpha male he was. His dark hair, slightly longer than usual, tumbled over his collar, the waves hinting that it had grown past its typically cropped style. His blue eyes swept over me from head to toe with a hunger I had come to know and cherish deeply.

The world stilled, and the electricity between us sparked, igniting the senses that kept me sober. A visible frown marred the space between his thickly arched brows. The alluring beauty of Ares Rafaelli mesmerized me, taking my breath away.

And he had begun his day by nailing me to his bed. Was I lucky girl or what?

I swallowed the bite of tiramisu but would rather taste the hard muscles of his abs instead.

His mouth curved in a small, victorious smile knowing exactly what I was thinking. But then his eyes darted to Mario and his frown re-appeared. A jealous Ares was extremely sexy.

Mario noticed what had drawn my attention and promptly straightened up. "Mr. Rafaelli, it's a pleasure to see you again," he said, extending his hand towards Ares. Ares, after sizing him up, reciprocated the handshake with a firm grip.

"Ares, come on in and try this delightful dessert that Mario has prepared. I bet you've never tasted anything quite like it before." I cut a small piece for Ares and held out the plate to him. However, Ares simply pulled me closer and bestowed a passionate kiss on me, right there in the broad daylight, leaving me dizzy. His tongue traced my lips in a sultry manner.

When he spoke again, his voice was low and husky. "It's delicious, amore mio, but I prefer the sweet taste of your cunt instead." I was glad that Mario was far enough away not to hear Ares' lewd declaration and my gasping response to it. My sex on the other hand clenched in anticipation.

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