5: Tryst

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It was shortly after midnight that Ares had left my apartment. He had stayed for dinner, and we had eaten in silence. I was raw and emotional after the toe-curling orgasm he had given me and wanted to crash more than anything. I feared everything that was happening around me. My instinct for self-preservation led me to retreat, and he seemed to understand my need for solitude. Either way I hated how much I missed him the minute after he left.

I yearned for him when I tossed and turned in my bed. I couldn't help but wonder how different life would have been if he had never left me in the first place. Perhaps we would have been married, raising children, living the life we used to dream about in his studio apartment in California. That apartment, our sanctuary, was the backdrop of our most cherished memories, including our first-time making love. It was our home for years, a place I loved until Ares' departure turned it into a haunting reminder of what we had lost.

Now, Ares was back in my life, but he was a changed man. His life had taken a complete turn, and I was unsure if there was room for me in it.

As morning light seeped through the dark curtains, I found myself aimless, unemployed, and alone. I poured myself a cup of coffee and remained in my pyjamas, contemplating the uncertainty of my future. I didn't want to shower, part of which was to hold on to the touch of the man who had passionately tongue fucked me last night. I even smelled like him and that filled me with shameless arousal.

My phone buzzed when I was enjoying my coffee and an unknown number flashed across the screen. I debated letting it go unanswered. It stopped ringing and the screen went black. Not even two seconds later it began to ring again, and I begrudgingly answered. "Where were you?" A bark on the other side made me flinch.

"Ares?" No way!

"What took you so long?" I didn't miss the demanding tone. He sounded mad for some reason.

"How did you get my number?"

I heard him exhale. "You're going to ask me that?" His tone told me it wasn't the first time he had done it. He had traced my apartment after all. I was going to have to speak with him about it.

"I guess not. What do you want?" It had been two days since he had left my apartment and while I certainly didn't wait for him to contact me, I felt a tinge of happiness when he did.

"I'm sending Jason to pick you up at noon." I remembered the name. Jason was Ares' driver. Although I hadn't met him yet. I fought the urge to cuss him out when he ordered me to get myself delivered to his doorstep like I was some sandwich he could enjoy for his lunch.

"Why?" I retorted with equal annoyance. There was silence on the other side for a moment before he replied. "I have a business proposal for you."

I found Jason outside a Bentley parked on the street outside my apartment. He wore a black suit and dark glasses covered his eyes. He stood tall and showed hard lines of age on his forehead. Jason was clean-shaven and showed grey hair at the side of his head. He looked at me and gave me a curt nod. Opening the door to the backseat for me, Jason scanned the surrounding as I approached. "Miss Russo. I'm Jason McKingsley. Mr. Rafaelli has asked me to pick you up." His voice was gruff and scared me a bit.

Jason didn't speak to me for the duration of the ride, but I suspected that was because he was so focused on the road ahead. I adjusted my maroon sheath dress even though it flattered all my curves and gave me boost of confidence. My face was made up as best as I could in the short time I was afforded before Jason had texted me about his arrival.

I found myself on the familiar street that was directly across the Redfire. The building housed Rafaelli Group of Companies where I was invited to discuss a business proposal with Ares Rafaelli, owner, and CEO of the multi-billion-dollar empire. I was still dazzled by how he had gone from a broke college kid to this person.

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