3: Torment

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I swallowed hard, blinking rapidly. It felt surreal, like a dream I'd often wished to come true. The love of my life, Ares, stood before me in all his glory, leaving me speechless. My palms began to sweat, and the air conditioning chilled my skin.

Ares remained calm and composed, his gaze fixed on me. What I had initially mistaken for guilt in his eyes was nothing more than shame.

"How are you?" His deep, warm voice stirred a hunger within me, reminding me of our past intimacy. I paused, searching for the right words, and finally settled on a generic, "I'm fine," despite feeling anything but.

Ares' eyes narrowed, scanning me as if assessing the truthfulness of my answer. "I would ask how you are doing, but you seem to be doing pretty awesome for yourself." I hadn't missed the authoritative aura around him. He was no longer the man I had loved; he was now a powerful businessman clad in a three-piece custom-tailored suit that was as dark as the night.

"Why are you here?" His tone was laced with irritation, piercing my heart. I had been wrong to think my presence brought him joy; he was merely annoyed. What I had assumed to be guilt and pleas of forgiveness in his eyes was nothing more than shame.

"Fuck you!" I spat, standing to leave. His eyes darkened at my response. I reached for the door, but a strong hand slammed it shut over mine. "What are you..." I began but was cut off by his kiss.

The force of the kiss made me drop the bundle of files from my hand, scattering its contents all over the floor. Ares quickly pinned me against the wall, his towering figure obstructing the view of the skyline. His warm lips made love to mine, gently suckling them as if he was tasting water for the first time. I was losing my mind. This is not what I imagined would happen. I had to get a grip on myself.

I pulled away feeling the tingling on my swollen lips. Ares looked no better than drunk in lust.

I was ashamed to realise what I had just let him do.

"It was better than I imagined it to be. Christ! I am losing my mind over here. It's all I could think about when I first saw you on the sidewalk."

"Come again?"

A soft, warm look from him sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. His gaze was too intense for me to bear. "I noticed you yesterday at one of my properties," he confessed. "You were with Montez. You were breathtaking, amore mio."

His term of endearment, once a sweet whisper, now echoed as a painful reminder of our past. I turned away, unable to meet his gaze.

"Don't hide your beautiful face from me, amore mio. It's unbearable," he pleaded, gently cupping my face as if I were as fragile as a newborn. He seemed almost like the man I once knew.

"Stop," I managed to utter. "Stop calling me that. You've lost that right." His proximity still left me breathless, and I yearned for answers, but didn't know where to start.

A flicker of hurt crossed his face, almost making me apologize for my harsh words. "You're right. I've hurt you," he admitted, stepping back. His absence left a cold void. Ares ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair, creating a distance between us. His earlier words suddenly clicked in my mind.

"You planned this meeting," I accused. He didn't deny it. He had observed me yesterday and had arranged this encounter.

"Why act surprised then?" I asked. He sighed before responding, "I didn't expect you to show up. The rent for the place is beyond your means, no offence."

His blunt honesty didn't offend me; I knew the place was out of my financial reach. But his willingness to meet despite that fact revealed his intentions weren't purely business.

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