29: Betrayal

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My mind was a bit hazy but that usually followed when I was with Luna. She made me forget who I was, what my purpose was. She gave me a new purpose in life. The heartbreak I'd given her hadn't destroyed her innocence or her love for me. How could I ever refuse her when she looked at me with kind eyes? How could I not give her all of me? My internal struggle held me back, a form of self-inflicted punishment. I knew I didn't deserve her, fearing that my presence would only bring pain and misery to her life. Yet, she remained by my side. Uncertain if she truly comprehended the depth of our situation or the life she'd lead with me and yet I woke up each day grateful for her.

The alternative was my own devastation. My selfishness weighed heavily, knowing that I had inflicted similar wounds upon her. Despite my inability to fully grasp the pain she endured because of me, she persisted. Her unwavering commitment was both a lifeline and a torment—a fragile thread that kept me tethered to hope yet threatened to unravel at any moment.

"Please, Ares. I've been dreaming about it for days." I knew there was truth to her statement. She was an enthusiastic lover who took pride in her partner's pleasure, and I had the first-hand experience of receiving her gift.

I nodded unable to speak with how dry my mouth had become and unable to deny myself or her what we desperately craved.

The wet heat of her mouth engulfed the sensitive crown of my dick. Memories of the times I had spent like this with her came crashing down on me. The pleasure of having Luna's lips around my cock was a something of the past but when she passionately sucked me, I remembered it like it was yesterday.

The moans spilling out of my mouth were foreign to me. I had never been so aroused, so hard or felt so pleasured. I couldn't go back now. The sight of her, naked and on her knees with my cock in her mouth, her slender fingers wrapped around the base would haunt me till the day I died. My hands curled around her hair, keeping my grip gentle but firm on her as I petted her lovingly.

Her mouth worked without any inhibitions. Beads of sweat ran down my temples. I was struggling to keep my orgasm at bay but ultimately lost to her will, spilling me cum down her throat. The sound of animalistic pleasures erupted from my throat unable to hold back any longer. She licked me clean, savoring the taste but never stopped sucking me.

"Luna, you're making me hard again." My weak attempt at pushing her off only made her head tilt back an inch. Marked by me cum she now looked like the sex goddess that she was.

"Will that be so bad?" she purred giving me an inviting look. "I'm right here, ready for you." My dick stirred at her suggestion. She sucked me again until I was rock hard to her liking, then she opened the bedside drawer where I usually kept the condoms. She climbed over me when I sheathed myself. I'd never take the risk as remote as it was even though the thought of making love to her bare was too tempting. Luna sunk herself over my erect cock and rode me slowly at first adjusting her pace and getting used to the fullness. Having her on top of me was a welcome change even though I'd be just as willing and capable of satisfying her for hours.

But her taking in charge of both our pleasures was wildly exciting to me. Her tits bounced softly as her body moved. Overheated, I pulled my shirt over my head and cooled myself off with her smooth skin. We exploded within minutes, too aroused to make it last. It was hotter now knowing none of us could contain ourselves with each other. She gave me a soft, satisfied smile and the moment froze for me.


Persistent humming sound woke me up. It took me a moment to realise it was the sound of my cell phone vibrating on the bedside table. Luna was curled up in my arms making it impossible for me to move. A quick glance at the wall clock told me it was just past noon. Shit! I was supposed to be at the club an hour ago.

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