23: Escapades

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"Thank..." The line went off before I could thank her for the favor. I checked the time and saw it was only four in the afternoon, so I decided to stop by a pharmacy. It was embarrassing to buy nothing but a packet of condoms but the guy at the register didn't bat an eye and scanned my purchase. I always left it to my partners to take care of contraceptives. I had done so only for Ares that first time in the restaurant. He was always religious about using protection, but I didn't know if he kept them handy at work.

Maybe he did when he used to fuck Valentina. That thought made me sour.

Shaking my head off negative thoughts I paid in cash and headed back to the Red Building. The crescent at the top glowed and it caught my eyes. It was beautiful and mysterious. I couldn't stop looking at the intricate designs on it. I made a note to ask Ares about it.

I landed on the sixtieth floor where the Rafaelli Group of Companies housed their headquarters. The name was displayed in bold lettering against the wall. I loved how the space exuded power, elegance, and luxury much like the man it represented.

"You're early," Valentina commented giving me a lopsided smile as she eyed me from head to toe. She made me feel basic next to her pinstriped tight burgundy suit. I had my white blouse on with ruffled sleeves and cream slacks underneath. I had opted for flats since I was going to be hopping all over the city on foot. I didn't know what Ares like in me but he surely enjoyed whatever he saw.

"I was around the building when you called. Thank you for making adjustments." I hated that I had to thank her of all people for letting me see my boyfriend. Valentina smirked.

"I didn't do it for you."

"I don't doubt that."

She glanced at the door to Ares's office and gave out a sigh, "He loves you." It wasn't a question, but I was surprised to hear her say it.

"We love each other," I stated as a matter of fact. It was evident in the way we looked at each other, talked to each other and behaved around each other.

Her smile disappeared and was replaced by a grim look. Ares didn't think it was true, but I knew she loved him. I didn't blame her. For years she had been in close contact with him, more than I wanted to think about. It was impossible to not fall for him. He was just that sort of a man.

"I don't think you do, at least not as much you think you do." Her response took me aback. She didn't know me enough to accuse me of not loving my boyfriend enough. Not that I had anything to prove to her but I found myself saying, "He's everything to me."

She scoffed and it pissed me off. I was wrong to think earlier that she was finally seeing the truth that Ares was mine. Apparently not. Valentina had something in her posture, the manner in which she looked at me as if she knew something I didn't. She was close to Ares at work and in his personal life as well. She was 'one of the boys' he had said to me once. I couldn't help but feel like an outsider and that crumpled my self-esteem.

"You love him." Her head snapped sideways, and her eyes met mine. I saw the recognition in him. The look of utter hopelessness was familiar to me, I had seen it every day in the mirror for the past five years. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and I pitied her for that.

"I do. I may not have his love for now but he trusts me more than anyone. He can't do without me and he'll realise that soon. Once his bored of fucking you he'll come back to me." My hands fisted at my sides and I resisted the urge to slap that bitch.

She answered a call and noted down something. A few moments later she walked into Ares's office. I glanced at my watch and saw there was still plenty of time until my allotted time, so I headed to the restroom and fixed my makeup and hair, touching up wherever necessary. I sprayed some perfume that I always carried in my purse. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I saw the look of a wide-eyed woman, flushed from arousal. It reminded me of the times I would fix myself in the bathroom mirror in Ares's studio apartment right before he took me to his bed.

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