22: Family

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I sat on the living room couch; my legs too shaky to support me.

Damn you, Ares!

I muttered under my breath. My mother shot me a glare, and I could tell Max found my discomfort amusing. After a quick dash to my bedroom, I had changed into oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. Poor Ares was left bewildered by the sudden appearance of my parents at my door. Nevertheless, he gathered his clothes and followed me into my room. 

"Luna Maria, what were you thinking?" My mother's voice was laced with anger. "Your father could have been in my place. It's a relief he's dealing with the cab driver downstairs, and I came up first." I could only imagine how awkward the situation was for her. I couldn't even meet her eyes for a few seconds until she pulled me into a hug to greet me. I regretted keeping a key for them to let themselves in hidden under the potted carpet outside the door.

I was about to defend myself when the front door opened, and my dad walked in, a small bag in hand. "Daddy!" I rushed to him, his face lighting up at the sight of me. He opened his arms wide, and I melted into his bear hug. God, how I missed my him.

"How are you, my little pepperoni?" His voice was warm and familiar. I hugged him tighter, my hands barely reaching around his large frame. Giovanni Russo was a true papa bear, a man with a big heart and a constant smile. I had never seen my dad angry. His salt and pepper hair and thick, well-groomed beard made him the perfect Santa during my childhood.

I led him into the living room, where Max had already placed their bags to one side. "You've got a nice place here, kiddo," he commented, taking in the warm, neutral-colored living room. That's when Ares decided to join us. Now fully dressed, minus his jacket and gun, he looked as sexy as ever. His damp hair indicated he had taken a shower, probably a cold one. I didn't blame him.

As Ares entered the room, I could see the wheels turning in my parents' heads as they tried to place him. My mom hadn't gotten a good look at Ares earlier and hadn't recognized him. Max, on the other hand, was on his feet, his mouth agape.

"Mom, Dad, Max, you guys remember Ares, my boyfriend," I said, breaking the silence. Their heads snapped to me and then to him. My father immediately stood and shook the hand Ares offered.

"Mr. Russo, pleasure to meet you again," Ares said, shaking my dad's hand firmly. I was desperate for them to get along like before. Ares then turned towards my mom, who wasn't as warm in her reception. Regardless, she accepted the kiss he placed on either of her cheeks.

"Sei bellissima, Signora Russo." My mother didn't soften at the compliment, but she muttered a small thank you.

Ares didn't seem fazed by her cool reception. He extended his hand to Max, taking in the man my brother had become. "Max, good to see you again," he said, his voice steady.

The air was thick with tension. I realized how awkward and surprising this was for all of them. I should have been better prepared.

I had hoped the uneasiness would dissipate by the time we joined for breakfast. When my family saw the black chauffeured SUV waiting for us at the curb just past nine in the morning, they were visibly impressed.

Jason, Ares's driver, opened the door to the SUV. "Good morning, Miss Russo," he greeted in his usual no-nonsense tone. "Good morning, Jason. This is my mom, Gina, and my dad, Giovanni Russo. And that's my brother Max," I introduced them. Jason gave them a nod in acknowledgment.

"That's Ares's car?" Max asked, clearly impressed with the sleek black Mercedes. I nodded in confirmation.

The drive to The Classic Palate, a breakfast eatery Ares owned, was long but it gave me time to prepare my family for the formal meeting. It was a vintage-themed restaurant, and I really liked the interiors. It was one of Ares's establishments and I wasn't surprised when we were immediately seated in the open seating area by the manager, a polite young man named Keith.

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