24: Attention

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I slept in the following day, not waking up until ten in the morning. I had stayed up late, talking with Ares until two. No matter how many hours we talked, the longing and desire in our voices seemed endless. Our love was such a powerful force that I felt it drawing me toward him. On more than one occasion, I considered abandoning my stubbornness and going to him. By not accepting his offer to live together, I was punishing both of us. As patient as he was, I knew he couldn't live without me either, yet Ares waited. He understood I wasn't ready, and pressuring me wasn't his way. Though I suspected the late-night phone calls, the rasp in his voice, the repeated 'I love yous,' and the promise of passion the next time we met were his methods of seducing me into his world.

After a late breakfast, the idea of visiting the restaurant to wait for Ares crossed my mind. Perhaps we could share a meal together. However, I was conscious of not appearing overly clingy or desperate. It would only be a matter of days before he grew bored of me. I couldn't allow that to happen.

At least I had my own restaurant to consider. The thought of it made me feel good about myself. I really liked how it had all come together. As the big day approached, I grew nervous. Although Ares assured me that everything would be perfect and well-managed, I couldn't shake off my self-doubt. He had invested far more money than I anticipated, and failure was not an option. I couldn't disappoint him.

At noon my phone buzzed alerting me of an incoming call. I smiled when I saw my boyfriend's name flashing on the screen.

"Hello, lover." I purred in my sexy voice. I pictured him smiling at my greeting. His little break in an endlessly tiring day. I wanted to be that for him.

"Luna, how are you?" His voice dropped a baritone, huskily seducing me into his sex vortex. I crossed my legs and leaned on the pillow.

"Missing you."

"Ah, I'm glad," he paused, and I wondered if anyone was with him, "after yesterday I can't work on my desk without thinking of you and how you looked spread out on it." His voice took a sexy note, and I knew he was picturing me as I was, naked, wet, and thrashing under the assault of his tongue. The walls, the couch, every other place in his office space had to be a reminder to him of our insatiable hunger for each other.

"How'd I look, Ares?" I was glad he was as distracted as I was.

He sucked in a sharp breath and leather of his chair creaked. I imagined him leaning back, bothered by the images in his mind. "Beautiful, always so beautiful. Innocent and so damn aroused. Christ, I love being inside you!"

"I love having you inside me." I confessed. Not even tightening my legs could relieve me of the throbbing of my clit.

He groaned and then cursed, "Damn it, I'm hard again. Get your ass back here, Luna. I need to have you." I smiled hearing the desperation in his voice. I was glad I wasn't the only one with an irrational lust for my lover's body.

"Now where is the fun in that, Rafaelli? You have to earn the privilege." Who was I kidding? He'd command me and I'd drop everything to get on my knees for him. There was no greater satisfaction to me than pleasing him.

"True, your cunt in very precious." I gasped at the crude way he spoke. Even if I didn't know Ares as much as I did, I'd know he was anything but offensive to women.

"Keep thinking of me, amore, since I'll be hard and waiting for you whenever you're ready."

The giddiness stayed with me for the rest of the day. Since Mom was tired from touring Manhattan the previous day, she didn't want to go out. Therefore, we decided to postpone our next tour. Max went out to meet some of his college friends. As he was going to stay in New York, he started making connections. That reminded me that I needed to make new friends too. I had Ares, but it wasn't the same. I needed girlfriends with whom I could hang out and gossip about my hot boyfriend.

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