31: The Question

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I dared anyone to come up with a sight finer than Ares Rafaelli in a three-piece suit with shades atop his cool blue eyes. He was standing by the stairs of his private jet that would fly us across the continent. The glossy mane of his hair was freshly cropped to suit the style I first saw on him nearly two months ago. As much as I loved the look of longer hair on him, he looked impossibly urbane and sophisticated in his shorter length. It made me want to fall on my knees for him.

In contrast to his dark sophistication, I wore baby blue pantsuit and wore my hair down. I wasn't a morning person, so I had barely any time to pull off a stylish airport look but I managed decently. Ares pulled his shades aside and gave me an appreciative once-over.

"There's a bedroom at the back of the jet," he said coming near me to greet me with a chaste kiss on the lips, "you can sleep there for a few hours." We packed light since Ares assured me everything we'd need was already being stocked up in our suite. I didn't doubt his attention to details in packing up my usual cosmetics and clothing I preferred. I could get used to being spoiled like this.

"Sleeping with you, you mean." I had never had a mile high but the thought of doing so with him was wildly exciting.

His eyes teased me when he led me up the stairs. Our passports were carried by a staff member for stamping and necessary documentation. I found it extravagant, but Ares didn't seem to mind the luxury at all.

"It's fairly early and I know it's not your usual wake up time, love. I'll fuck you anywhere you want." A shiver moved through me when he palmed my ass over the fabric and gave me a gentle squeeze.

The heated look I gave him screamed pure arousal. I wanted him. Now.

I leaned on my tip toes and took his lips. My hands cupped his nape, drawing him closer to me.

A piercing whistle jolted me away from Ares. Manuel and the rest of the gang were seated on the plush seats of the jet hooting and giving us mischievous grins. I recognized Leo and Dante. Another familiar face was of Toni whom I met at the Rafaelli brunch party.

With heated cheeks I separated myself from Ares who was mostly unfazed with being caught getting frisky with his girlfriend.

"Don't mind him, we enjoyed the show." Leo said teasingly.

Ares glared at him, and his grin disappeared. He smoothed a hand over my hair and led me in. The interiors of the luxury private jet were unlike anything I expected. Luxury like this was only ever seen in movies and I had a hard time grasping the immense wealth possessed by my boyfriend. The interiors were warm neutrals with coffee accents. For seats it had plush couches surrounding a table. There was dark door at the back which led to the bedroom Ares mentioned.

Ares got me seated in the single seat at the front while he joined the men at the table. I saw him taking off his jacket and handing it over the attendant who brought over drinks for the crew. He came over to me to take my jacket as well. The cold air-conditioned air hit my arms bared by the sleeveless blouse.

I didn't know what I was expecting but being left alone while the men discussed business was not it. I certainly wasn't expecting Ares to just leave me to myself on the nine-hour flight. The least he could've done was warn me that there were others on this flight.

"Would you like a drink, Miss Russo?" The attendant asked me. "Bourbon please."

Ares shot me a look at my choice of drink. He had the nerve to frown.

I heard them discussing something about ships and consignments followed by Ares's instructions to his men about something I chose to ignore. His voice was painfully seductive and so not good for me. I was supposed to be mad at him for abandoning me on this flight.

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