25: Diamonds and Limousines

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I was early. I glanced at my Rolex. At ten minutes to seven I took the elevator to Luna's apartment. The place was a shit-show and I was determined to get her back to me soon. The date was just the first step. Soon, all her mornings would begin in my bed, beside me. But it was never about sex for me. As much as I enjoyed her body, keeping her safe was my number one priority. The guards I had hooked around her apartment complex would never let any danger get near her. But it was never enough.

I stood outside the door to her apartment and knocked only needing to wait for a moment before her dad opened the door. I could tell he liked seeing me and the red roses I carried for his daughter. It made it all the more difficult for me to be in their presence. I used to like her folks, liked being with them. They welcome me with open arms and taught me the true meaning of family, something I never had. But would they still approve if they knew their daughter was in love with the mafia boss?

It was even more dangerous than Luna understood since I was madly in love with her and had no intention of letting her go again. The very existence of my love for her put her in the line of target. She didn't realise how terrible I was for her. She knew I had blood on my hands, and she still loved me.

"Son, come in," Giovanni's face lit up on seeing me, "You didn't have to get me flowers." I managed a smile.

Luna's mom was right to be apprehensive about me. The woman who accepted me as her own was hurt too when I left her daughter. I couldn't blame her. It didn't matter if my intentions were to protect her daughter's safety and happiness.

"I'll tell Luna you're here." She disappeared down the hallway while Max shot me a smile.

"Hey man," he jerked his chin in acknowledgement, and I gave a nod, "that Limo outside, yours?"

"It is."

"Impressive," he spoke as he shot me a knowing look.

My gaze was, however, fixated on the love of my life, who stunned in the navy body hugging dress I had picked for her. It accentuated her beautiful curves. As beautiful as the girl I first fell in love with was, her form had filled out in the years since, transforming her into a woman I couldn't keep my hands off. She didn't take shit from anyone including me, she was stronger than I imagined and she often teased me. Like now.

Her hair was styled in some type of waves while pearl studs adorned her ears. The same ones she wore in the restaurant when the new chef she hired was charming her with his food.

I straightened and immediately went near her. She smelt divine, her body was smooth and delectable. I could tell she had put in a lot of efforts for this date. I found her attractive even without it but I appreciated her.

"You look stunning, mia cara." Her lips curved into a smile that seemed to stop my heart.

"Thank you, you clean up well too, Rafaelli."

"I'm glad you like what you see." I wore a black suit, sans the tie. The top button of my shirt was left undone for an informal touch. I deliberately grew my hair to its former length. A look that would remind her of the man I once was even though I no longer knew that man. I also shaved for tonight.

"Are those for me?" She brightened when I gave her the red roses. "How romantic!" I smiled.

"Let's put this in my room." She dragged me to her bedroom and I let myself be carried away.

"Darling, I don't think it's appropriate for us make love while your parents are next door." She smacked my arm but smiled shyly.

I noticed the dainty jewellery on her ankles when she was putting the roses in the vase next to her bed. My chest tightened as I remembered the anklets. I had gotten her those when I landed my first ever corporate job. It seemed like ages ago. But the fact that she held onto them even after everything that transpired between us filled me with gratitude and love. Immense love.

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