10: Amore mio

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The sound of someone clearing their throat startled me, and I realized we were not alone. I recoiled in shock, but Ares' arms held me close, undeterred by our audience. My face flushed with embarrassment.

Our spectators were four men, all dressed in dark trousers and shirts. Except for one, they all wore jackets. They were tall, dark-haired, and built like walls, hinting at a Mediterranean heritage. Among them, I recognized Manuel. Their intimidating presence would have sent me fleeing if not for Ares by my side. I trusted him wholeheartedly, even though there were things he chose not to share with me.

Manuel Bianchi greeted me with a lopsided grin, which I returned with a nod and a smile. The other three men, however, glared at me. The oldest among them, a man in his forties, was bald with a tattoo covering his shaved head. His scrutinizing gaze turned into a scowl, radiating danger.

"We meet again, bellissima," Manuel said, standing up and blocking my view of the scowling man. I was grateful. He extended his hand, which I accepted formally. Ares' grip on me tightened.

Still shaken by the remnants of the dream, I found it hard to speak. "Don't mind him, it's not your fault that he prefers the company of men," Manuel said, noticing my discomfort over the man's scowl.

"Is that why you're so butthurt, Manuel?" The other man finally spoke. His voice was rough, contrasting with Ares' smooth and cultured tone. He shook his head and walked towards me. Ares shot him a glare, and the man softened his scowl. He extended his large hand towards me and introduced himself as Dante. Ares whispered in my ear, "It's okay, amore, he won't hurt you." His words put me at ease.

I shook Dante's hand. "Luna Russo."

"I know," he winked at me, catching me by surprise. The other two men at the far end of the couch in Ares' office were less intimidating. They were handsome young men, twins named Marc and Leo, and I learned they were Ares' cousins. Despite this, they looked very different from him. "You're dangerous then you look." Marc teased with a wink. My confusion must've been evident on my face because he grinned at Ares and gestured towards his face. I turned red when I remembered I had slapped Ares in front of a lot of people. They must've been there to witness the embarrassing spectacle.

I turned to Ares and gave him an apologetic look, still I had to use my words. "I'm sorry I hit you."

"Its not you fault. I won't hold it over you." The warmth in his eyes told me he meant every word.

While all the men filled the room with their imposing figures, Ares was the most intimidating and dangerous of them all. His dark beauty was irresistible, but his fiery demeanour could scorch anyone who dared to get too close. His Greek heritage, from his mother's side, was evident in his god-like physique.

Ares was raised by his grandparents until he moved to California for university. He never talked about his parents but was very fond of his grandparents. The few times he had taken me to meet them, I had grown quite fond of them and admired how they had raised him to be a gentleman, a protector, and an old-school romantic.

"We'll pick this up tomorrow," Ares told them, and they all agreed. I noticed Manuel shooting him an amused look and then smiling at me. Ares remained his usual stoic self.

Once the front door closed softly, Ares lifted me off my feet and sat me down on one of the dining table chairs.

"I had some food delivered for us while you were asleep," he said, his muscles flexing as he moved around the kitchen, grabbing plates and cutlery. He was wearing the same shirt from earlier, without his jacket. The snug fit gave me a clear view of his hard muscles and the smooth tanned skin underneath. He was delicious in every way. I licked my lips.

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