Chapter 8

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Being under pressure was new to Chou Tzuyu.  He had never been afraid of anything even when his company had a slight crisis in maritime trade, he rolled up his hands and tried his best to keep things moving forward, but in this case the sail that led to triumph came untied every time he raised it.  He looked like a cheeky, idiotic, serious man who would kill all the buried dead if they were to be resurrected.  He looked up at the traffic light signaling that it would take him to the long-awaited restaurant, "Did you go to the school where I teach, Tzuyu?"  Sana asked to open a light conversation about childhood or more or less school, "Oh, yes. Now the education is very different, but the garden has always remained the same" said Tzuyu letting her eyes catch a glimpse of the sagurdo Sana's attention towards her mostly unremarkable period, "I understand. At your age, that school was a public one, not a private one," Sana said, scratching her head and throwing her hair behind her back in the heat of that evening, "Yes "But that doesn't mean it elevates or detracts from the school's education. It's always been an excellent school to teach children, especially for excellent teachers like you," Tzuyu said flirtatiously, receiving a happy smile from the woman at her seat, " I am a teacher of literature and grammar for the last classes" said Sana "What do you do, Tzuyu?"  she asked adding this period with ease, as if she didn't care what job she did but only that she expressed herself by telling something about herself, "I'm an entrepreneur. Strange that you don't know me" replied Tzuyu, nervously licking her dry lips, "I don't spend much time on social media, what occupies my days is work" Sana concluded with a sincere smile, "I can understand you. I'm also a work fanatic... Sometimes I get carried away but in this period your influence gives me a motivation to take a break from that job" he commented restarting the car again, seeing that the car could go green at the traffic lights, "I hope it's a positive thing" Sana replied with a sweet laugh, "One hundred percent positive one hundred" added Tzuyu, putting her hand on the wheel lightly and driving her car better.  The journey didn't take long, even though Tzuyu drove slowly, the car had brought them to their chosen place in less than twenty minutes.  Sana thanked Miyeon in her mind for having dressed her so elegantly, because as soon as she got out she found herself in front of a classic classy restaurant where three or four figures followed one another to enter with stylish clothes and expensive accessories.  Tzuyu gave her a quick hand to go out and as soon as she found herself in front of the waiter who was depositing himself at the beginning of the entrance for the reservation, he didn't even have to check on her, immediately passing to open the door and announce the place where Sit.

I was embarrassed to be in such a sophisticated place, but being close to Tzuyu made me feel more confident in my being.  He wasn't a clingy and demanding person to have something or demonstrate something of his riches, he was a man who just wanted to spend time with someone, and that pleased me, I was able to occupy my evening in this way.  He kindly offered me his seat, slowly pushing me towards the table after I sat down.  I smiled awkwardly at his gentlemanly action and then he sat down across from me, hesitantly looking at the menu next to me and next to him.  "Let's order," he announced, taking one of the menus and flipping through the pages.  To be honest, I had never cared about food.  I couldn't decide on the dishes and above all good prices and such sophistication as these dishes described.  "I know you have never come here, so I will order for you. Some dishes here are a little unpleasant for some delicate palates. Sometimes the food can be too spicy even when a minimum quantity base is appointed. If you trust me, I can order something really good, just for you,” Tzuyu said with a sweet hint as her eyebrow rose in response.  Luckily he had decided for me, I raised my head towards him and then smiled clearly "I would love it, thank you" "You're welcome. I don't want to see you eat foods you don't want" commented Tzuyu courageously, placing the menu on the table.  The waiter passed by, with a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other.  As if he had drunk an energy drink, he looked at us with a dazzling smile and his eyes open to three hundred and sixty degrees.  "Tell me," he said, uncorking the cap from the pen, making a rather irritating noise as the notebook paper crumpled under the boy's strong grip.  "I would like to order a number seven for you, and a number five for me. I kindly ask you to hurry" he concluded, scratching his forehead in irritation at the boy's slowness in writing "Water?"  he asked again "Sana?"  Tzuyu asked towards me with an expectant smile.  It was the first time I had seen this man smile multiple times, "Yes, thank you" I replied, keeping to my old 'not wine' cadence.  "I would like a Chateau Margaux, don't bring me ice or anything, I prefer a clean wine" he replied, ending the conversation, not wanting to look at the boy's face for another second.  He left after a sympathetic nod from me.  “That waiter is new,” Tzuyu said suddenly, “Really?”  I asked, scratching my bare shoulder at the man's sudden statement, "I often come here alone on Saturdays and Sundays, and I've never seen that guy before. He must be a beginner," he said, remembering his evenings in this place, "You are a regular customer" I said affirming his news, "Yes. Unfortunately I only go every time..." "Strange that a person like you didn't go on a date" I said with a confused smile "Ah, no. About dates yes, but I didn't like any of the women chosen by my parents. They are women who are not of my type: too full of make-up and too vain. I prefer women who have an internal beauty and an already completed maturity. I don't want a girl who is looking for only the fame" said Tzuyu, understanding him, "I'm sorry that I haven't found someone yet" I replied, making light circles on my leg to stop hearing my breath of anticipation "Women so intelligent and so mature are few in the world. But luckily I had the chance to meet a special woman who in addition to being exceptionally intellectual, is also wonderfully gorgeous" Tzuyu said licking her lips from dryness, "Really?  So why don't you go out with her?" I asked without wanting to be too insolent and get into her private conversations, "I'm doing it, Sana.  I'm dating this special woman right now" he said with his ghostly serious face while his mouth gave endless compliments towards me. It was strange to see such an indifferent face and hear such sweet words from the same face. "Thank you " I said making him proud of my answer. He settled himself comfortably in the chair and focused his eyes on me as if he wanted to examine something. He sighed in disbelief and then hid a smile "Beautiful" he murmured expecting that I wouldn't hear him when in fact I did understood better than anyone.

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