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★★★ Connection to Cursed Energy:『Ancient Origins』Celestial Sovereignty is an ancient and rare technique that predates much of the known history of cursed techniques

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★★★ Connection to Cursed Energy:

『Ancient Origins』Celestial Sovereignty is an ancient and rare technique that predates much of the known history of cursed techniques. It was developed by a lineage of shamans who believed that the cosmos itself was a vast, living entity, with stars and celestial bodies being manifestations of its emotions, akin to how cursed energy is a manifestation of human emotions. They posited that just as negative emotions can generate cursed energy, the awe and wonder inspired by the cosmos could give rise to a different, but related, form of energy.

『Cosmic Cursed Energy/Celestial Sovereignty』 This technique taps into a unique form of cursed energy that is derived from the collective awe, fear, and respect humanity has for the universe. This energy is less about the negativity of individual emotions and more about the profound impact of the cosmos on the human psyche. It's a high-level concept that suggests the existence of a universal cursed energy, born from humanity's existential feelings towards the universe.

『The Ritual and Awakening』 The ritual that [NAME] undergoes to awaken the Celestial Sovereignty is not just a means to access cosmic powers but also a rite of passage that aligns her cursed energy with the cosmic energies. This alignment transforms her cursed energy, enabling her to tap into the cosmic cursed energy and manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe.

『Balance and Cost』 Celestial Sovereignty comes with significant risks. The cosmic cursed energy is vast and overwhelming, and using it too much can distort the user's own cursed energy, leading to physical and mental consequences. Additionally, the grand scale of the powers at play means that imbalances can have wide-reaching effects, potentially drawing the attention of powerful curses or even disrupting the balance of the natural world.

『Integration with Jujutsu Society』 Celestial Sovereignty, due to its rarity and the unique nature of its powers, is regarded with a mixture of awe and fear within the jujutsu society. Its existence challenges the conventional understanding of cursed energy and techniques, making [NAME] a figure of significant interest to both allies and adversaries.









𝘗𝘏𝘖𝘌𝘉𝘌 - " PLSPLSPLSPLS tell me if you notice a hole in the story or something that dosnt add up,,, i mean somethings wont add up untill later but just tell me!! ໒(⊙ᴗ⊙)७✎▤    <- thats me rn :P"

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𝘗𝘏𝘖𝘌𝘉𝘌 - " PLSPLSPLSPLS tell me if you notice a hole in the story or something that dosnt add up,,, i mean somethings wont add up untill later but just tell me!! ໒(⊙ᴗ⊙)७✎▤    <- thats me rn :P"

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