★·.·'¯'·.·★ 𝐉𝐔𝐉𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐔 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋 ★·.·'¯'·.·★

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In the soft glow of his room, illuminated only by the city's distant lights, Yuji dialed {NAME}'s number, his fingers tapping an impatient rhythm on the desk. The moment her voice, lively and teasing, filled the space, his spirits lifted.

Yuji's voice crackled through the line, "Hey, {NAME}! You surviving out there?"

{NAME}'s response came as a vibrant burst of energy, her humor as sharp as ever. "Yujiiiiii!!! Ahw, if I had a dollar for every time I felt bad for leaving you in Tokyo I'd be rich enough to bribe Satoru into normalcy. How's Tokyo without me?"

"Quiet. Too quiet, and your not forgiven for leaving me here!" Yuji shot back, a half-hearted attempt to mask the deeper unsettlement the day's revelations had stirred within him.

Their conversation meandered, {NAME} pacing her room, the occasional sound of her bumping into furniture punctuating her energetic speech. Yuji, meanwhile, fiddled with his bracelet, his actions belying the casual tone of his voice.

"you know about the Kyoto Sister School Event coming up, Gojo-sensei said it would be right when we started.."

{NAME}'s interest was piqued, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Oh yeah! Satoru said something in between his cryptic smiles. What's the scoop?"

Yuji leaned into the conversation, eager to share. "I don't know much, but he mentioned team fights, I don't know if it's with our schools against each other, or mix ups tough..."

"Team fights?! I want to be with Kugisaki!! I call dibs!" her laughter light and infectious.

"You don't even know her! And I want to team with you!" Yuji shot back, his voice warm with amusement.

"wait! It takes place every year right? That means Yuta participated!"

"whos that?.."

"Just give me a minute, im leaving my phone. Ill be right back!"

She dashed out of her room. Moving quickly, the wooden floors cool under her feet as she headed towards Yuta's room. Rapping lightly on Yuta's door, she waited, her foot tapping impatiently. The door swung open to reveal Yuta, slightly taken aback but smiling warmly at her sudden appearance.

"Yuta!" she blurted out, barely pausing for breath. "You've participated in the Kyoto Sisterhood event before, right? I need to know something! Everything—what's it like? The competitions, the vibe? Spill!"

Yuta, amused by her enthusiasm, invited her in with a gesture, setting aside the book he'd been reading. "Yeah, I participated last year."

"The event is pretty intense," Yuta began, capturing {NAME}'s full attention. "When i participated there where both team battles and individual matches. Everyone was there to prove themselves, so the air is pretty thick with competitive spirit."

He paused, considering his words. "As far as I know, the team event is usually something called The Wacky Spirit Bash Race. The teachers scramble cursed spirits across a designated area. The goal is to exorcise as many as possible. But when I played it was more school against school rather than first school to exorcise the most curses..."

{NAME} absorbed every detail, her mind racing with images of the event. "Thank you so much!! I have to get back now!! Ill see you tomorrow morning, okay?" she smiled.

"No problem, {NAME}. I know you will do great. If you need any more advice just let me know," Yuta offered, his tone sincere with a smile on his face.

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{NAME} hurried back to her room, eager to relay her findings to Yuji. She picked up her phone and eagerly shared her findings with Yuji. "Okay okay, I'm back!! This Kyoto event is big—there are team battles where there's school against school, Yuta said its called The Wacky Spirit Bash, where we have to kill curses the teachers placed out. But he also said that normally the schools fight each other first... There's also individual matches, one-on-one!"

Yuji's interest peaked. "Team battles and one-on-one? Sounds like my kind of party. We're teaming up for the bash, right?"

"Duh!" {NAME} confirmed, her voice laced with excitement.

"But seriously, I'm kinda nervous about how everyone's gonna react. You know, with the whole 'Yuji Itadori is dead' thing. I'm a bit anxious about it. It's not exactly common to come back from the dead, is it?"

"No worries, we'll figure it out. Maybe we should plan a dramatic entrance? Think Satoru would be on board for something over the top? Maybe we can jump out of a huge cake?!" {NAME} playfully suggested, already imagining the possibilities.

"That would be so cool!!! Imagine their faces! And how happy they'll be to see us!" Yuji mused, the weight of the upcoming event settling in.

"Yeah! I hope they like me!" {NAME} quipped, excited for her new chapter.

"Of course they will! And hey, don't get too tanned. I need to maintain my ruggedly handsome hero vibe," Yuji half-joked, a grin evident in his voice.

"Please, your 'hero vibe' is safe. I'm just aiming for 'not a ghost'. I'll see you soon, Yuji. Don't let the curses bite," {NAME} said, her tone light yet filled with warmth.

"Later, {NAME}. And hey, thanks for the chat. It's nice, you know, feeling normal for a bit," Yuji concluded, a note of genuine gratitude coloring his words.

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༺𝘗𝘏𝘖𝘌𝘉𝘌-"sorry for slow updates!! i have sooo much school coming up its killing meeeeee"

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