Weapon or Witch

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Wow, this is actually going pretty good ^^ Thanks for reading!!

/)&-Your Pov-&\)

As Kid and I walked though the halls of the DWMA I couldn't help but wonder what Lord Death will be like. I was lead down a hall with large guillotine blades hanging over our heads. I gazed up at them nervously, what if they fell on us?

My hands gripped the hem of my skirt as we entered a strange room...if you could even call it a room. " Hiya!! How you doing?! " Who I could only guess is Lord Death turned around waved with a big waffle-like hand. His form was very spiky and his voice sounded cartoonish. " father, this is (y/n) (l/n), she was the one who wanted to join the school." Kid spoke, putting a hand on my shoulder . " I see, pleased to meet you! " He bounced slightly and dismissed Kid. I noticed a man hanging out at Death's side, I assumed it was Spirit, Maka's father.

" So (y/n), weapon or meister? " Lord Death asked, I shifted my weight almost nervously. " weapon sir" I replied without hesitation.
"Wonderful ,do have a meister? "
" No, I do not need one "
"Hmm, ok then. what's your weapon form? "
"Actually, I can turn into any weapon my meister wishes, my preferred form is a blue scythe or a staff."
" Ok, and how do you fight with out a meister? " He tilted his head slightly
"Like this" at that moment I choose two black swords. they slid out of my open palms and flew straight into the air. I skillfully caught both of them
" Fascinating " Spirit muttered Lord Death seemed to agree.
" It is different for most of my forms, and I can also transform fully if needed to" the blades flew back into my hands and disappeared.
" Hmm, I think I will put you into the Crescent Moon class with Stein"
" That's it? " I tilted my head
" Yup, enjoy your day at school. Kid can bring you to your class since he is waiting outside."
" Oh...well, thank you Lord Death " I bowed and he dismissed me.

I practically ran out of the hallway, completely ecstatic. " what happened? " kid made me stop outside the doorway. between breaths I managed to say " crescent moon " . Kid figured it out quick " ahh, ok. that's wonderful, I will show you to class"

We started walking through the DWMA's labyrinth like halls again and I was able to observe the place. The corridors were wide and tall, they had circular window which I found looked out at the school grounds. the walls were a pleasant yellow-ish color and lamps were also lined against the walls for extra light.

" And here we are. " Kid stopped me and pushed the door open to reveal the classroom. the teacher wasn't there yet so we just sat down, kid went to his normal spot and I sat with Maka and Soul. They greeted me happily and I was about to say something when a man on a rolling chair rolled- or tried to roll into the classroom. he fell and hit himself on the back of the head.

' ouch ' I thought to myself as he got back up and rolled to the desk. " hello class. I was just informed that a new student is joining us today. why don't you introduce yourself." The man who I guessed was our teacher, Stein, said with a oddly calm voice. I gently cleared my throat and stood up. " hello~ I'm (y/n), pleased to meet you all " I smiled and self consciously remembered the bandage still wrapped around my head. " are you a weapon or meister miss (y/n) " he asked inquisitively . " Weapon sir, although I do not require a meister to fight " a sly grin formed on my face. " ok then, why don't you show us what your weapon form is before we start sparring outside. i will wield you if you do not mind, and only this one time of course "

I jumped off the desk I was currently standing on and landed gracefully down in front of Stein. a few whispered conversations were breaking out across the room, I felt a small growl rise in my throat. " ok, careful though." I cautioned him as he held out a hand, I took it and quickly transformed.

I went with something more impressive this time and transformed into a large silver double sided scythe with a long spear as a handle. black wires wrapped elegantly around the top of the scythe and down towards the bottom only slightly. there was a few strange black symbols on the back end of the blade and odd black designs across the surface of the blades. closer to the tips of them was a crescent moon cut out, the inside edges has small teeth. The whole weapon glowed with a dark energy.

Stein stumbled backwards with his hand on the screw in his head. I heard several shocked gasps and a few mouths were hanging open . I transformed back after about 30 seconds, bowing before returning to my seat. Soul, Maka, Kid, Black*star, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty kept staring at me...actually the whole class was.

Stein recovered after a while and said " well then...thats why Lord Death said..." he stopped him self then stood and started walking out " follow me class. We all rushed to follow him to the grounds where we would be sparring for the next few hours before lunch. Soul and Maka followed me out there, Maka wouldn't stop asking questions about my weapon form I used today. She didn't know I could turn into any weapon. But I tried to answer the questions as best I could.

I glanced at Soul, he gave me a toothy grin " I thought it was cool... " I smiled at him " thanks Soul...and honestly...thats not all of my weapon forms " he raised an eyebrow at this but shrugged it off.

We stopped at a forest like aria and were put in groups. I was up against a dark haired boy with green eyes (I made one up, sorry xp), his weapon was a axe. I frowned at this, axes I found is a somewhat slow weapon. This would be easy.

I was by myself up against the two, thankfully. I fight better alone. " Ready? " I asked the boy, he seemed pretty nervous and confused. " don't be nervous, I won't slice your body in half.. " I giggled, my hands straight up in the air and palms facing the sky. The poor boy nodded and we started.

The swords I had shown Lord Death shot from my palms and flew into the air. I caught them and swiftly charged at the boy, he swung the axe around. it just grazed my cheek as I passed. I pivoted off one foot and jumped into the air, throwing my swords. One hit his axe and was deflected and the other flew by his head, slicing a bit of his hair off. I mentally cursed, my aiming skills were a bit rusty. The boy swung his axe back over his head, hoping to hit me as I stood behind him. I managed to turn my arms into steel poles and deflected the blow. He turned to me and Noticed a strange glow to his face, realizing it was from me I frowned, he started to yell something so I hit him over the head and he crumpled to the ground. I couldn't let them know.

Stein came by and picked the boy up, turning to his partner who was kneeling on the ground. " take him to the infirmary. now (y/n), you had no need to knock him out " . " Yes, sorry professor " I picked my blades up and they shot back into my flesh. He eyed this curiously .

"Why don't you go take a break " he dismissed me and I nodded. I walked into another part of the forest and quickly scaled a tree, sitting on one of its sturdy branches. ' why did my eyes glow like that, they aren't supposed to since my powers are still locked. what's happening? Am I becoming more of a...witch....like my mother. '

/yeah, sorry I created a guy for you to beat up...hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^ I think this is the longest one so far. ~
Have a most delightful day my fluffy friends ^^\

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