Dont Touch me

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:/-;your pov;-\:

The DWMA...a school for weapons and meisters hosted by Lord Death. But to me its a distraction...It's been a two months since Soul died. I still cried myself to sleep at night. Maka actually began to sleep with me so I could get some rest.

Other people would either hate me or feel bad for me because Soul had died. The popular girls would always bump my shoulder when walking down the halls. One of them went as far as slapping me. I just brushed them off and focused on my studies.

The funeral was already done and over, almost the whole school came. I also got to meet Soul's family. They seemed pretty torn up about it but kept good posture and dignity, I admired them for that.

It was Maka's birthday in a few days. As soon as she went to sleep I would sneak out to get her a gift, I kept her up really late yesterday for our Friday night movies for that exact reason.

I reached under my bed to find the small jar I kept money in. I then unscrewed the lid and pulled out about 30 dollars and set the jar back. Maka's bedroom light switched off, perfect timing. I pulled on my shoes and sneaked out my bedroom window.

It didn't matter that I was high up, being a witch had its quirks. I slowly floated to the ground, my shoes clicking slightly as they hit the stones. I had worn high heeled boots, it hurts more when you kick someone.

I walked out into the busy nightlife on the other side of the city and quickly scanned the people before I walked into the light. I brushed off my skirt and shirt then made sure I had my knife hidden under my clothes were I could reach it in case of emergency.

After the quick check I walked out into the busy streets. My (e/c) eyes constantly wandered the stores and the people around me until I reached the right store. Maka and I loved to take late night shopping trips and this was our favorite place.

I immediately headed for the book section. She was incredibly fascinated by this calculus book we found. I scanned the shelves and quickly found it again. I made a noise like a strangled duck as I took it off the shelf. I carried it to the counter and paid for it.

As the cashier had his back turned I used my magic to create a invisible seal around the book so it wouldn't be harmed if I dropped it on the way back. I heard a little ding from the bell at the door, to my surprise it was Liz.

She saw me and smiled, waving. I waved back and handed the cashier money to pay for the book. Liz walked over to me and gave me a tight hug " hey gurl, what you doing out here alone? Where's Maka?".

" at home, I'm getting her a birthday gift " I smiled and took my change, setting the book under my arms. " cool, you having a party?" She shifted her weight onto one leg. I nodded " I'm not sure what time yet so I will tell you when I know". " great, see you on Monday then " she waved bye and walked to the makeup section.

I chuckled and watched her leave. As I walked out of the store and into the street my fingers gently traced the scars on my cheek. I headed towards another familiar store. The ever so wonderful donut shop~

My back started to tingle. Someone was watching me...
I shrugged it off and entered the pastry filled and pastel colored shop. I loved how they were open this late, it was awesome for midnight snacks.

I bought a (f/donut) with my remaining money and sat down to eat it. As usual the first bite was the best and I finished it fast. I flipped through a few pages of the book before I left and quickly shut it again, how Maka understands this I'm not sure.

I left and took a detour through the alleyways I used to live in. I kept the book close to my chest and my mind focused on remembering were all these lead. I turned into one that seemed unfamiliar. A frightened feeling settled on my shoulders. This looked so strange, I turned to walk away and froze.

A boy stood in my path, even worse it was one from the academy. He had a knife in his hand. " hey there, what's a pretty girl like you doin' out here all alone..." He whispered. I stepped back and fought to remember my training.

" not going to answer me huh " he spoke louder and glared at me from under a dark hood. I ran, as fast as I possibly could, but only to be met with a cold wall. The ally was a dead end. The boy was right behind me.

I heard his heavy breathing close to me and once again turned around, this time with my knife in my hand. " I hate to ruin such a beautiful girl...but oh well..." He lunged forward and dug his knife into my arm, forcing me to drop both my weapon and The book.

My scream echoed through the dark alleyway. I felt myself being shoved into the brick wall, hands holding mine above my head.
" d-don't touch me!"

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