Movie night and toast~

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:(((your pov))):

I threw my wet clothes off and pulled on a new bra and underwear, sighing softly as I flopped down on the bed. I hated this wet damp feeling, I guess it was my fault, I stayed in the rain. After finding a loose t shirt and shorts i set to work on removing my bandages.

They were all soggy, I stuck my tongue out in disgust. I looked in the mirror and noticed my cut was healed. ' that was fast. ' . I brushed my hair out and wiped dirt off my arms and face. I walked to the door and was about to open it when something caught my eye.

It was another rose. I smiled and carefully took it off the door and placed it in the vase I kept the other in. Finishing that I left the room to go eat something, I was starved. I walked fairly quickly down the hall, in a much better mood now thankfully.

Suddenly strong arms grabbed me from behind. I squeaked in protest and felt a hand go to my forehead. " S-soul? " I managed to say, his arm was up against my rib cage pushing me to his chest and his hand on my forehead. " calm down (y/n), I'm only checking for a fever... " he let me go, I turned around blushing " okay, sorry. thanks "

We got our dinner and joined Maka on the couch for a movie. She picked a horror movie. I shuddered just thinking about it but didn't say anything. I focused on eating on eating and not the movie. Soul and Maka finished just after I did so I offered to take their dishes.

They thanked me and I left to put them on the counter to wash later. Sighing softly I returned, sitting next to Soul and watching small bits of the movie. I mostly watched my hands, since I never could handle scary movies.

But for some reason I ended up watching the last 20 minutes. I can guess Soul's shirt is stretched out on that one side. Maka ordered us to bed and I happily obliged.

I closed the door gently and flicked on my lamp. after slipping my bra off from under my shirt I opened my window. I carefully swung my legs over the edge and grabbed the inside wall so I could sit there. it was a peaceful night and the rain stopped sometime during the move, dark clouds still hung over the city though.

After a bit I started reflection on what happened today. it shouldn't even had happened, I could've avoided all that if I didn't knock him out. then I remembered Soul, he found me and brought me home...i thought about what he said and blushed softly, he really meant that didn't he.

I climbed down and closed my window, plopping down on my bed. I felt a blanket being thrown gently over my body "hmm?" I looked up, seeing Soul I smiled " hey Soul, need something ?" He lay down next to me. " are you ok? You had a pretty rough day. " . " I'm fine, thanks for bringing me back home. " I blushed softly and twisted myself so I was on my side, I set a hand on the top of my hip and the other over the soft pillow my head lay on.

" That was uncool how they treated you, how about tomorrow you can stay with me and Maka. we have all our classes together. " he suggested with a grin. " sounds great " I yawned and threw the other half of the blanket over him. He raised an eyebrow at this but quickly understood.

I shut the light off and set my finger on the bridge of his nose " goodnight Soul ". " Goodnight (y/n) " he smiled and watched me as I closed my eyes and slowly drifted asleep.
I woke with Soul's face only inches away from mine. I blushed ' he looks so peaceful in his sleep ' . I remember the conversation Maka and I had a while ago. She told me that he came from a family of musicians and had a famous older brother. I sat up carefully and lay my side of the blanket over him.

My feet hit the carpet softly as I got" up. I headed for my closet to find something to wear. I held up a white and a blue skirt, having a hard time picking which one to wear today. " the white one. " a familiar voice said. Soul stood behind me with a smirk " morning sleepy " I giggled and gently ruffled his hair. " Morning " he did the same to me. I blushed and poked him for that. " go ahead and get dressed, Maka is already up, making us toast. " I nodded and watched him walk out, closing the doors behind him.

I pulled on the skirt and blue socks, finding a nice matching shirt that had a butterfly design on the front. After brushing my hair out I put it in a high ponytail, leaving a few strands of hair out. I put my shoes on and washed my face before heading to the kitchen.

Maka handed me some toast and we ate it on the way there. I secretly put a piece into my bag for later. I do think Soul will protect me today, and so will Maka. he knows I'm a witch yet still is my friend...but he is more to me then a friend

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