White Rose

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Here we are again, the fourth chapter. ^^ ( is so adding Blair) enjoy


>~your pov ~<

I woke, small rays of light hitting my face. I almost had a heart attack, before remembering where I was. A faint smell of breakfast floated in through the slightly open door. I yawned and sat up ' that smells good... '. looking over at a small table next to my bed I saw a change of clothes, this time it looked like jeans and a (f/c) tank top .

I threw the warm covers off my body and sat there for a bit looking over my bandages, I would have to change them today if my cuts hadn't healed. I couldn't see much of the burns today so that was good. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the clothes. Shutting the door with a foot I smiled happily .

It took a while to change, but the clothes were pretty comfortable. I looked at myself in the mirror and put a hand to my messy hair. ' I need to go shopping later...find a hairbrush. ' I laughed and walked barefoot to the door, pausing . A white rose was taped to my door. I tilted my head kinda confused but then took it down. it was beautiful .

I set it down on the small table and left my room with a big smile . As soon as my bare feet hit the floor I heard what sounded like a yell. I turned my pointer finger into a small blade just in case and ran towards the room the yell came from.

The door was already open, I ran through the doorway and froze. what I saw shocked me. It was a lady...wearing barely anything...and a witch hat, and had purple hair...laying across Soul. He had a nosebleed, that part was actually kinda funny. the lady turned herself into a cat ,looking up at me through huge eyes. I felt almost jealous.

I sighed softly and walked over to the bed and gently pet the bridge of the cats nose, it meowed innocently . " lucky for you I've always had a weak spot for cats. " my finger turned back to normal and I looked over to soul who was blushing furiously. He wiped his face off and grinned sheepishly "heh...sorry (y/n), this is Blair..." . " Cute " I smiled and watched Blair pad out of the room with a meow.

" Oh, good morning " I put my hands behind my back, forgetting my messy hair for the moment. He chuckled and got out of bed, arching his back to stretch. " morning, I will guess breakfast is ready, come on " he walked around me and out of the room. I hurriedly followed.

Looks like Soul was right, Maka was making eggs and sausage for us. She turned to us with a big smile and waved with her free hand. " morning guys, I'm almost done so just sit tight " Soul and I nodded and sat down at the table. The cat lady came back and sat with us.

" Hey, it's Blair right? " I smile and gently poked a bandage on my arm. " yup! That's me! Why are you hurt? " She blinked, folding her hand like a cat. " its nothing, just a few scratches. " I shrugged and thanked Maka as she put plates with an egg and sausage down in front of Soul and I, Blair got some sort of tuna dish. Maka set her plate down and we all begin to eat happily.

)---time skip of rainbows---(

Maka and I walked through some shops, she had agreed to buying me some things because I only had my bag left. I had already changed my bandages, Maka thought that it would heal in a day or two. " how about here? " She pointed to a clothing store with a big smile. " sure " I agreed happily.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. ' Maka is sure enthusiastic about this ' I thought with a smile. We wandered around for a bit. She found me a cool (f/c) coat that felt very comfortable and picked up a few skirts of all different colors. I found a few pairs of black socks and a couple of neat shirts to wear to school if I got in.

We managed to pick up some other things and had lunch at a small café before heading back to the apartment.

' again? ' I glanced behind me, having a distinct feeling that I was being followed. " hey (y/n), you ok? " Maka looked over at me curiously. " I just feel as if I'm being followed, in sure it's nothing. " I replied , shrugging it off. " ok, well if you need to you can always ask us for help if it gets too bad"

" thanks Maka" I smiled and put the bags I was carrying onto one of my arms. we arrived at her apartment room to find Soul had invited his friends there. " Um...hi guys. " I waved shyly. Maka gave me my bags so I could take them to my room. I thanked her and heard a few hellos as I left.

I closed my bedroom door and started putting stuff away. when I finished I sat down on my bed and lifted the white rose from the vase on the small table. Lifting it to my nose I smiled softly, it smelled wonderful. After I put it back I took the keishin egg out of my bag and licked it . Giggling I fell back onto my bed. I shoved the keishin egg into my mouth, devouring it happily. a warm feeling spread from my chest down to my toes, after that faded I sighed.

I probably spent a hour just looking up at the ceiling with my legs dangling off the edge of the bed I lay on. then I heard a soft knock on my door, it opened and I sat up quickly. It was Soul. ' he looks so hot today...stop! That's not ok ' I mentally chided myself on that thought and smiled " hey Soul, what's up? ".

" We are having dinner in a hour, our friends are joining us tonight" he grinned. " cool, I'll join you in a bit. " I curled my toes. " so you going to stare at the ceiling for another hour? " He raised an eyebrow. " how do you know that? " I asked, confused " did you spy on me ?" I stood up. " I might've..." he chuckled " creepy stalker " I gently punched his arm, laughing.

We walked out to the living room and sat down with our wonderful friends, I think they were talking about trees....odd. well, I knew once I joined the DWMA my life would be changed forever...and so would theirs if I were to tell them...what I really am....

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