The Mission: part three

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          -/:3 Your Pov 3:\-

           " I'm back! " Maka shouted from the doorway. " hiiiiii " I grinned, waving to her. Soul and I sat on our bed playing a board game. Maka set her journal down, joining us on the bed " who's winning ".

I pointed to Soul. He just smiled. " is it dinner time yet?" I whined like a kid, very hungry indeed. Too much fun today. " yeah " she laughed " let's go ".

She took my hand and I took Souls to form what looked almost like a human train. We marched down to the food place and got our dinner. It consisted of pasta and garlic bread, some vegetables and fruits on the side of course.

While we ate Maka filled us in on what she was doing when she was gone. " so I went to visit some of the victims and try to get some info...turns out this thing can change its size and breath fire like a dragon, also it had poison in its claws. On the bright side it isn't very fast so we should be able to defeat it if we move quick enough. ". I took a bite of my bread, chewed, and swallowed. " we can leave tomorrow then?". She nodded

" that things going down!" I pumped my fist into the air, exited as ever. " (y/n)! Not so loud " Maka scolded me. I pouted and ate my pasta. She continued to tell us random information throughout dinner. When we walked back to our room I shoved a donut in her mouth to make her be quiet for a bit.

Soul and I had gone out earlier to get donuts, hoping to have some when we got back as a little celebration treat, I guess we are having some now too. I gave Soul one and took one out for myself.

We sat down on the beds and watched TV for a bit. I zoned out half the time, just munching on my donut. Then we got to the news portion. We all listened intently.

" rumor has it, a small family of four were attacked by the so called 'monster of flames'. The home was burned right down, leaving the family completely broken. Especially since the mother and one child were killed. Many suspect it was because they were poisoned, although authorities are not sure, we await further news on the cause of death and on how this family is coping with the disaster-" I tuned the lady out, staring at my lap. How could we have let the keishin grow so strong and let it attack so many innocent people.

I crawled into the bathroom with my pjs and changed in silence, my thoughts churning from that news story. Tomorrow that beast is going down, I will make sure it pays for what it has done to these people.

I pulled my pj shirt on and walked out, dragging my day clothes behind me. Soul stood up and gently kissed me before going to change into his night clothes. Maka already had hers on, I raised an eyebrow. She chuckled " don't worry, I made him close his eyes~". I smiled at her and jumped under the blankets, lying down on my side, waiting for my boyfriend to return.

I was almost half asleep when he did. Soul settled in next to me, a warmth spreading throughout my body. " I love you..." I whispered to him, my eyes closed. He hummed softly in reply and turned his body so he was on his side like I was and wrapped his strong arms around my rib cage, pulling me close. We slept like that the whole night.

I woke up, the alarm going of. I groaned softly and slammed my hand down on the button to silence it. My eyes opened to see Maka holding a camera in one hand. Did she take a picture of Soul and I sleeping together? She grinned. Yep...she did.

I carefully and gently removed myself from Soul's arms and stood up, stretching my back and arms. " when do we leave..." I yawned softly and adjusted my pjs shirt. " soon, get mister sleepyhead up " she smiled and pointed to Soul who was still fast asleep.

I put my hands on my hips and exhaled quickly through my nose. I then tore the blankets off of him and leaned over, setting my hands on the bedsheets. " oi...get up. We leave soon.

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