Too much

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>>^|Soul's pov|^<<

She collapsed. her scream lingered in my ears. I sat next to her, holding a cool cloth against her burning forehead. we decided to watch another movie and set up out sleeping bags and stuff. I looked at Kid, he was clearly worried.

He saw the bite when he helped me move her to the living room where we were, I wonder if he knew what was going on. " Hey you know what's happening. ". the boy nodded slightly. " she is a witch right?" He asked. I nodded. " well, she goes to the DWMA and trains with the witches worst enemy. I would imagine they are trying to either get her back or kill her. " he put a hand over the bite near her collarbone.

"She is fighting a battle inside. I can tell you that. but she might not make it back..." Kid patted my back gently to comfort me then got up to do whatever he does.

I looked back at (y/n), her face was surprisingly peaceful. I think what Kid said was true...but...what if she lost and never came back. the movie started, I instantly recognized it. it was (y/n)s favorite. she loved watching it over and over again.

I smiled weakly and put my hand on hers. I didn't want to loose her. and we both had agreed to stop almost-dying on each other. I guess it is kinda unavoidable.

If she died I wouldn't know where I would be.

/-:&your pov&:-\

I stood up, my head hurt and my legs ached. first thing I did was fall back down. " okay..trying that again" I muttered, standing. this time I was able to stay standing.

" Oh dearest (y/n), welcome. " a female voice echoed around me. it seemed to drip with poison. " I will offer you a choice...die...or come with us." .
" What?!" I yelled at the 'thing' talking to me " why would I ever want to go with you, I don't even know who you are!"

The voice chuckled. a woman walked out of the shadows. I realized I was in a dark empty space. it was grey. that's it. completely empty except for us.
She wore a red dress and black heels, her hair was in a bun and eyes completely red. she held two long swords, completely black and looked deathly sharp.

I cringed, how was I going to get out of this one. Fight. I could fight. I held out a hand and concentrated. tendrils of light shot from my open palm and flew towards the lady. she sliced them apart effortlessly.

I blinked. " Alright then little witch, let's dance " she grinned and rocketed towards me, her feet barely hitting the ground as she ran. I barely dodged the swords.

How do I even fight with magic?! I turned my arm into a scythe blade and tried to remember my training. I sliced at her head when she stopped. she ducked. but I was ready for that, my foot connected with her skull.

She seemed shocked, holding a hand to her head. I stumbled back. She suddenly roared in rage. oops...made her mad. better figure something out quick.

I created a ball of energy in my hand and launched it at her. it dissipated as soon as it got within 8 inches of her body. I gritted my teeth. My magic isn't going to be strong enough to-

My thoughts were interrupted by a fist slamming into my chest. I flew back, unable to breath. My back hit the cold ground. that surprised me.

I decided to use my power to its full extent. if I beat her I can get out right? My body started to glow golden. The witch lady stepped back. i sat up, relishing the feeling of raw power rushing through my blood . I floated up and set myself down on my feet.

I raised my hand towards her. she screamed in pain as her body was slowly twisted, sounds of flesh ripping and bones snapping filled my ears. this shook me out of it. " n-never again... " I muttered.

I had killed her. I needed to get used to it. I'm sure this would happen a lot more. I felt myself waking up. " goodbye... " I whispered with a grin.

" Soul... " I whispered. my eyes opened. he gave me a worried grin. " you alright? " His hand tightened slightly over mine. " yeah, I'm good. you on the other hand look horrible. get some sleep. " I tapped his forehead.

He nodded and lay next to me. I looked over at him " thanks " .he smiled " I would do anything for you " . I sat up slightly and kissed him. " sleep well my love. "

Soul fell asleep instantly. I wished I could do the same. But the sounds of the witch lady being twisted into a lump of tangled limbs was too much for me to handle. I put a blanket over Soul and I and stared up at the ceiling, listening to Black*stars snoring. I will imaging he is going to get a pillow in the face pretty soon.

I cuddled up against the peacefully sleeping Soul and eventually fell asleep.

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