Hold On

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over 400 reads??!! You guys read fast x3 thank you!!! And enjoy this chapter.

:/(your Pov)\:

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Soul. my face was inches away from his chest. he wasn't awake yet. I didn't want to wake him up so I revisited last night in my mind. with a start I remembered Soul is now my boyfriend.

Soul shifted slightly, finally waking up. I sat up and gently brushed a few strands of hair out of his face. " good morning Soul... " I smiled " Good morning... " he replied, not quite awake yet. " it's Sunday, what do you want to do? " I asked him, hoping he would have an idea since I didn't have any. I don't think in the mornings.

" Well....a picnic maybe. it seems like a nice day out" he sat up. I glanced at the window, sunlight peeking around the edges of the curtain. We both got up and I stretched, noticing there was no rose on my door, I blinked in surprise. There would usually be one there, not today I guess.

" (Y/n) " I heard Soul behind me. I turned to see him holding out a white rose to me. I laughed softly and took it gingerly from his hands " that was you?!" . He nodded with a grin. I threw my arms around him in a giant hug. " thank you Soul " I giggled and took off, placing the rose in the vase by my bed.

I took his hand and we walked out to the kitchen. I took a piece of toast while Soul found an apple. Maka burst into the room with a big smile " did he ask you???". I blinked in surprise then looked to Soul kinda confused. " Maka suggested I was to ask you to be my girlfriend " I nodded and looked back to Maka " yeah, he did "

Maka giggled " I'm so happy for you guys! Finally! You have no idea how long Soul had a crush on you. " I raised an eyebrow and looked back to Soul. he blushed. I giggled and put a hand on his shoulder "its ok" . " Thanks" he muttered and smiled softly.
It was about midday when Soul,Maka, and I arrived at our picnic spot. it was a nice grassy spot at the academy that overlooked Death City and a ways into the desert. I lay a blanket on the grass and Maka set the food down. Although we weren't going to eat quite yet.

I dragged Maka and soul to the short wall and plopped myself down on the ground, looking over the edge excitedly. I squinted into the distance and pointed to our home. Maka and Soul smiled at me and I continued to stare off into the distance.

We ate happily, it was mostly sandwiches and fruit.I poked Soul. " Hey, what do you think of a little sparring match later. " sure, Maka. you up to it?" She nodded, her pigtails bouncing slightly. I reached over and took one, skillfully putting it into a braid.

" Cool" Maka grinned and ran her hand over it. I nodded and took Soul's hand, he blushed softly. I heard a scream, a high pitched bloodcurdling scream. like one you would hear in a horror movie.

We shot to our feet. I pointed in the direction of the harsh sound " it came from there, by the shops. " . " Shall we go check it out?" Maka frowned, holding a now transformed Soul in her hands. i nodded " of course we will " I ran to the edge and jumped off, Maka surprisingly followed.

Our feet hit the candle and I kept going, jumping farther down. I was used to this, although I'm guessing it was because I was a witch, although I'm not sure. My arms became scythe blades as I jumped to the road, Maka followed me.

We ran through the streets, getting frightened looks thrown towards us. my scythes started to glow a soft green as we approached the location of the scream.

It stood in the middle of the road, a dead girl hanging limply from its scaly arms. Maka skidded to a stop next to me, breathing heavily. It's venom green eyes caught sight of us. i watched in horror as the girls insides slowly slipped out onto the street due to a gash running from her neck down to her right leg.

Maka gagged slightly. I didn't blame her. it snarled loudly and let the girl go, she slumped to the ground, blood pooling around her. I watched as it turned into what looked like a life sized toy soldier. its eyes glared at me, I froze. this thing was purely evil.

Not exactly a kishin though...it seemed different to me. Still, I charged at it, my blades meeting a cold metal gun. I bounced back and repeated my attacks to distract him as Maka and my boyfriend jumped out from behind him.

The tip of Soul's blade hit the kishin's head and it crumpled. suddenly Soul was on the ground holding his head. " Soul!" I screamed, rushing to his side, my arms turning to normal as soon as I got close to the kishin.

I sat on my feet and put a hand on his shoulder. he was trembling and seemed dazed. Maka put her hand over her mouth in shock." Soul...say something" I gently squeezed him and leaned down slightly.

" S-soul " I whispered. the kishin was recovering. he didn't reply. I felt tears start to form out of the corners of my eyes. I felt the air shift as the kishin took to the sky. it now had large mechanical wings off its back.

I felt Soul start to go limp. in a panic I went to feel his pulse. it was slow. " Soul...dont you dare leave me..." I sobbed. throwing my arms around him.

He shuddered slightly and went still. my head was pressed to his back, I could still hear a faint heartbeat. Maka stood next to me, a few crystal tears slipping down her cheeks. I picked him up and motioned for Maka to help me.

She nodded, understanding quickly.
----- time skip of uncertainness-----

I watched Soul lay peacefully on the bed at the infirmary. we brought him there In hope he could be saved. After all, it would be a shame for him to miss our first mission together.

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