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:)$(/your pov\)$(:

I sat on the sidelines, catching my breath. My eyes following them and the ball as it was passed between people. I clapped as it went through the hoop.

Maka sat down next to me. " what's on your mind ?". I shrugged, knowing it wasn't an answer. but honestly I wasn't sure what was. We would be leaving soon. the sun looked half asleep.

I let a sigh escape my mouth then looked at Maka. " Is it time to go yet... " I whined, flopping onto my back. she laughed " yeah"

I stood up and looked at them with hands on my hips. They were almost done with their game. The ball flew towards me. I held my hands in front of my face waiting for impact.

It never came. I heard a few amazed gasps. my eyes slowly opened. The basketball hung suspended in the air, it glow with a soft golden color. " w-wha? " I stepped back a bit. I somehow used magic...

Patty gazed at it with curiosity. I moved it over to her. her eyes grew wide. I laughed softly.

We finished up there and began heading to Kids home. I had a poking battle with Patty that lasted the whole time it took to get there. She won of course.

Kid had a huge house...
We all went inside were it was nice and warm. unsurprisingly everything was symmetrical. I plopped down on the couch next to soul. He put an arm around my shoulder.

I leaned into him, melting into his warmth. We watched as they all sat down on the other couches and thought for a moment of what to play. " truth or dare? " Liz suggested. " classic, lets do it " Maka grinned.

The game started with Liz since she suggested it. her gaze turned to Soul. I waited nervously. " Soul... truth or dare..." . Soul blinked in surprise.

" Dare I guess" he shrugged. Liz thought for a moment " okay. I dare you to mess up Kid's symmetry " . Kid shot her a glare. Soul kissed my head and got up. he walked to Kid and gently ruffled his hair, making it very unsymmetrical.

He flipped out, needless to say it was hilarious. I made a mental note to never touch Kids hair. " so " Liz turned to Maka who sat next to her " your turn to ask. " . Maka nodded and looked to Black*star. " truth or dare black*star "

Having a huge ego caused him to pick dare, he would regret that. " okay, why dont you do that thing that you did when you saw (y/n) in her unde- " she was cut off by Black*star falling over with a monster nosebleed. Tsubaki and I laughed, knowing full well why he did that.

After a round or two I was faced again with a choice...truth or dare. this time it was Patty asking me. I know it would be weird so I picked truth. "when did you first realize you loved Soul? "

She gave me a creepily innocent look and waited for my answer. " Well...a few days after I met him I think, although the first time I saw him was my hearts realization..." I cuddled into his side, smiling as I said this. Patty squished her cheeks together " aww! That's so sweet! "

Soul chuckled, I blushed. after that, Kid announced dinner was ready. we got our food and sat in front of his television. I glanced at my plate. Pizza, homemade too. I couldn't wait to try it.

Liz popped in a movie. I was unfamiliar with it but it still sounded pretty good. I took a bite of the was like heaven in my mouth.

I finished it quickly then snuck off to put my dishes away. when I got back I sat with Soul, his eyes staring blankly at the screen. I laced his fingers with mine and leaned my head on his shoulder. I wondered what games we would be playing later.
--after the move is over--

I heard voices. my eyes slowly opened. it dawned on me that I must've fallen asleep during the movie. I blinked a few times. staring wide eyed at everyone. they circled Soul and I. I felt like I was in a demon ritual.

I let go of Soul, who was silently laughing and crawled between Maka's legs to get away. They turned towards me, giggling. " 7 minutes in heaven..." Maka grinned. I gulped.

Soul stood up and we sat down in a circle. He went to go find a bottle. a soda bottle was all he managed to scrounge out from the kitchen. it would work.

Apparently they already decided that Soul and I would go in together. I was dragged by Black*star and Soul reluctantly followed. the closet door shut. My back hit a wall and I slid down. Soul joined me.

" What did we get into... " I chuckled. " I'm not sure but I'm glad they approve of our relationship. " he kissed my cheek. I nodded and looked over at him. or tried to anyways. the lighting wasn't the best in here.

I felt gentle fingers caress my cheek then tilt my head up slightly. A blush rose to my cheeks. His lips met mine in a passionate kiss. It was pleasant and warm yet fired by a strong love, I had been kissed before but never like this. I liked it.

I trusted him to not go any further without my permission. his hands were firmly set on the floor. this was one of the things I loved about him. I was truly lucky to have met him in that alleyway back then.

We separated to catch our breath. I gave a breathy chuckle and hugged him. to many feels right now. He smiled and hugged me back. " I love you... " he whispered in my ear lovingly. " I love you too Soul...i always will.." I felt his heart beat and smiled.

Black*star threw open the door with a big grin, expecting the worse. he stared at us dumbfounded. We were even given an extra minute because kid had a fit about the seven. I heard part of their interesting conversation. it was very intense. Kid seriously loves his symmetry.

We stood up and walked out of the closet hand in hand. I felt something snap inside me, like a glow stick before it would glow. I stumbled, my balance failing me. I was lucky Soul was there. He pulled me back into his arms in one swift motion. a blush crept back into my face " t-thanks Soul.. "

He replied with a kiss on the head. We sat back down, watching as two other people went in. ( you can pick who x3). this time the conversation was tilted towards my power as a witch. that glow stick feeling didn't leave, it was still there. I felt knowledge slowly dripping into my mind. I know now how To control my magic...and what it does.

At that moment I decided, after learning its destructive power I would never use it. well, the big things at least. only a minimum amount a magic was to be used.

I looked around at my friends then to my lover. I couldn't bear loosing them, if it was my fault then I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I don't want to loose them.

8 minutes was up. this time I opened the door. thankfully the two were decent. But a bit of saliva trickled down their chins and clothes rumpled slightly. I suppressed a giggle. they walked back embarrassed.

I felt sick all of a sudden. I could barely stand, I was dizzy and lightheaded. I quickly told Soul I was going to the bathroom and wandered off to find it. after a painful few minutes I found it and closed the door behind me. I locked it then looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked the same as always. felt horrible. I didn't understand anything. I realized my true powers as a witch and now I was suffering because of it? I dunno.

I won't tell anyone, they were having so much fun, this is the last thing they need. a spider crawled down the mirror. I blinked. suddenly, as if my situation could get any worse, the spider flew towards me. I batted it away, or so I thought.

It ended up on my hand, crawling up my arm. I yelped quietly and tried to swish it. and I of courses failed. it reached my chest and bit me right above the collarbone. finally I was able to kill it. it fell to the floor, dead as a doormat.

It felt like I was burning. intense heat spread from the bite quickly, covering my whole body. I screamed in agony and fell to my knees clutching my head. not to long after that I heard footsteps. but my vision darkened and my consciousness slipped away. someone help me...

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