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Hello my fluffy friends! I had to take a little break due to a sale at my grandmas house that I had to help out with . But it's over now so I can focus more on this story. Yay ^^
I'm pretty sure it's horrible but I'm going to keep going. And thanks for reading! ^^

_\|>your pov<|/_

The game was fun, I had to stop to laugh a few times. And I loved it when I would get too close to black*star, he would blush so badly. I was now sitting down on one of the benches watching them. These people are funny...and very nice.

My thoughts were then interrupted by Maka walking down the steps and sitting with me." I thought you were going to be here, Soul dragged you along didn't he" she looked out at the group, a smile on her face. " yup, he introduced me to his friends...they are all pretty nice." I answered Maka's question happily. " that's good, what do you think about joining us at the DWMA? I could ask lord death if he could enroll you. " I noticed the hopefulness in her voice .

" Why not " I shrugged, smiling. " Yes! " She threw her hands in the air, excited. My new friends walked over to see what was going on. Maka explained how I might be joining them at the DWMA. They all seemed pretty happy about it, especially Soul.

Kid smiled. " I will talk to my father and see what he can do." . " This is great! " Soul gave me a toothy grin ' sharks... ' I nodded and they dragged Maka and I out to the court to play, I glanced at Soul's hand on my wrist and blushed softly.

)-----le time skip brought to you by rainbow pop tart cats-----(

I walked back to the apartment, Soul and Maka at my side. they were talking about their homework assignment they had to get done, there was a lot of complaining involved. I listened most of the time but my mind wandered. Something moved in the corner of my eye. I turned to look for it but there was nothing there. Maka glanced at me with worry " you haven't said anything during the whole conversation, are you alright? "

Smiling I nodded " yeah, im fine " . We arrived back at the apartment and Maka went to make dinner while I stuck my face to the window, watching the sunset. Soul joined me, a grin on his face . " whatcha doing? " he pressed his cheek against the window, looking at me with curious red eyes. " I'm watching the sunset " I answered, turning so my cheek was against the window as well. Our faces were bathed in a soft red light as the sun dipped down into the horizon . I could help but think he looked handsome...or cute...both actually.

He chuckled and we both looked out at the sunset. I placed my hands on the tops of my knees, smiling softly. " Thanks Soul...for introducing me to your friends, I can't wait to go hang out with you guys again. I never had anybody I could call my friend my whole life..." I glanced back at him.

" Well you do now, and remember that we are all here for you (y/n). " he put a hand on my shoulder, smiling at me. I blushed softly but before I could reply Maka spoke " once you guys are done flirting you can joking me for dinner" . Soul immediately blushed and stood up " I was not flirting! " He protested.

I responded with a giggle fit, I had rolled onto my side clutching my stomach. Maka and Soul looked down at me with a almost concerned look. I calmed down and pulled myself up, sitting down at the table where Maka and Soul were at. " sorry, what's to eat?
" I grinned, very hungry by now.

" Pancakes " Maka replied cheerfully. " awesome, I'm sure they will taste wonderful " I picked my fork up gingerly and we all started to eat, I was careful to not eat too much.

I zoned out listening to Maka and Soul talking about stuff. My thoughts wandered to my old life, how I would be stuck eating animals with my father and playing in the sand. we would have little animals like rabbits and mice come across our tent, I had kept a small mouse and named it Leo. A small smile came to my face as I remembered this.

I set my fork on my plate and brought it to the kitchen, now full thanks to Maka's wonderful pancakes. They followed suit and put their plates away. " where did you want me to sleep? " I asked, turning to Maka. " we have an extra bedroom if you would like to use it " I nodded at her suggestion " thanks Maka " . She took my hand and happily led me to the bedroom.

It was pretty nice. there was a big bed with clean sheets and fluffy blankets. There was a shelf full of colorful books and a closet tucked neatly in the corner . my toes dug into the plush green carpet and I looked out through a window with a toothy smile " I couldn't thank you enough for this Maka...everything you have done for me " I sat on the bed, picking up a pillow.

"It's no problem really. And your audience with Lord Death is in two days, so you can rest easy for a bit" She said with a slight nod and tossed my bag to me " get a good nights rest "

I nodded and watched her close the door. though it was a few hours before I got to sleep. I thought about Soul as I was laying in bed, what he said to me before, always being there for me. It made me feel safe. I smiled softly and closed my eyes.


If you bother reading this, please comment below if you want Blair to be in this next chapter or not ~ ^^

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