The best night

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/:3/your pov\3:\

I quickly took my flour coated pjs off and tossed them aside, not in the mood for laundry. I found a fluffy pink towel and wrapped it around my body before hopping into the bathroom to shower.

Showering should be something I do all the time bit I never set aside time to do it. I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. My fingers went to the thin, pale scar on my forehead. I sighed, remembering the night of the fire.

" Hush...stop it..." I said to myself, I don't need that. the mirror started to fog up. I quickly used my towel to rub most of the flour off my body and hair, then used my finger to take the icing off my face. I ate some of it...

After that I stepping into the shower, feeling the warm water run down my shoulders and back. it felt amazing.

I rinsed my hair and scrubbed the remaining flour off, even though it was harder since it turned into some kind of odd paste from the water. I sighed contently, smiling.

I was done too soon, I'm my opinion anyways. I dried my hair and brushed it out, then wiping the foggy mirror off so I would see myself. i took the towel and wrapped it around myself again, stepping out of the bathroom to see Soul leaning against the wall, waiting patiently.

" My turn-" he stopped when he saw me, only covered by a towel that stopped just above my knees. We both blushed. he stood there for a moment before sliding into the bathroom, slowly closing the door.

I smirked and walked to my room, still blushing slightly. This date is going to be the best one we've had, I'm sure of it!

-\|~<>^•time skip of cake and muffins with sprinkles•^<>~|\-

I straightened my skirt, adjusted my scarf and shirt, pulled my knee high black boots on, and finished putting my mascara on before walking out of my room. Soul waited by the door. " ready to go..." I nodded and took his outstretched hand.

He smiled at me and led me downstairs through the halls and to the chilly outdoors. I'm glad I wore my scarf. We walked through the stone streets of Death City. I kept asking where we were going, he wouldn't tell me, I grinned.

We arrived at a nice restaurant. turns out he reserved a spot for us up on the balcony. I was in awe of how much he had done so far, we still have a movie to go to too.

He led me up to our table and pulled the chair out for me like a gentleman. I blushed softly, smiling at him. Soul sat down and handed me a menu.

I scanned it " oooo~ fancy!" I stared at the menu in awe. Soul just chuckled " man, if I had known I would've worn something different" I muttered to myself.

A waiter walked to our table and asked us ( with a very French accent ) how we were doing and if we were ready to order. We nodded. I ordered fish and breadsticks, however odd that may be, and a glass of chocolate milk.

I forgot what Soul ordered, I was too busy fawning over the flowers that sat in the middle of the table next to us.

I set my hands on my lap. " did you hear about the mission update?". He shook his head. " well apparently we need to leave to Canada as soon as possible. the killings have been getting worse, people are moving away, towns destroyed~ all that stuff, so we can't afford to wait a month." I sighed softly.

" leave in a week then? Maka would be able to move her stuff to where her mom is staying and be there for an extra month. ". I nodded, agreeing.

" I'm looking forward to it " I grinned, absentmindedly tracing circles on the table. " Honestly I'm not so sure...why would Lord Death send just us three? " Soul took my hand across the table and gently rubbed my thumb with his. it was very comforting.

" He trusts us.." I answered simply. he smiled at me. The waiter came back with the food, I internally squealed in excitement. it looked amazing. I dug right in.

The food tasted as good as it looked. Soul and I finished in about 18 minutes, then moved on to deserts. we got pie~ apple pie for Soul and my fav kind of pie for me.

When the waiter brought it to us I grinned. there was a big pile of whipped cream on top. I prodded it with my fork then curiously licked the metal eating utensil.

Once I deemed it worthy of being eaten I wolfed it down. Soul was already done and sticking a tip under his cup. " Ready?" He stood. I nodded and jumped out my seat, pushed it back in and followed my lovely boyfriend down to the door. I waited as he went to pay.

The movie the next stop, I wonder what movie it was going to be. " after you. " Soul's voice interrupted my thoughts. I smiled at him and nodded, walking outside. " to narnia! " I shouted and held one arm up in the air, pointing.

Soul laughed " no, we are going to the movie theater first. ". " Alright, fine." I pouted for a millisecond then smiled again, lacing his fingers with mine. we walked through the city again, heading for the theater.

I had only been there once because Maka wanted to see a movie. as we walked in I glanced at all the movie posters. i ran to get popcorn and Soul payed for tickets. we met up at the entrance to the theater room where the movie would be playing.

I handed him a bag of popcorn with a grin. we walked down the dimly lit walkway and sat down in the strangely comfortable seats. the started a minute later.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when I figured out what movie it was. (you guys can pick :3) I settled for kissing Soul on the cheek and a silent squeal of excitement.
-/rainbow time skip\-

The movie was over. I could swear I had 30 fan girl moments during it. Now we headed home, popcorn breath and exited as ever. I nearly kicked the door open. Maka sat in the kitchen, a bite of cake halfway to her mouth.

" How'd it go " She stood, a big smile on her face . " Great" Soul and I replied in unison. she chuckled " awesome." I nodded then ran to my room to grab my pajamas. they were still covered in flour.

I groaned softly and gave the mirror my best 'unamused' look. I took my clothes off and pulled on shorts and a baggy t-shirt. I then brushed my teeth in the bathroom, said goodnight to Maka, and flopped down on my bed.

Soul walked in, only shorts on since his pjs were full of flour as well. I still had my face pressed to my pillow. he flopped down next to me. I looked over at him, nearly getting a nosebleed.

He sat up slightly and took the blankets while I stared wide eyed at his chest. he glanced at me, blood rushed to my cheeks. he pulled the covers over us. " sorry, pjs coated in flour. " he shrugged, kissing my forehead. " I-it's alright" I blushed even deeper.

" Goodnight " he muttered, cuddling the blankets and putting a gentle hand on my waist. " thank you...goodnight" I smiled and watched him fall asleep. this was certainly the best night ever

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