What Now?

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And this starts out our Soul x reader. ^^
Let me lay out a few things before we start.
~first of all, the chapters will be pretty short, please excuse that.^^'
~then we will pretend reader-chan (you) is somewhere around 16
~I will try to update as soon as I possibly can :3
~ (y/n)(m/n)(l/n) = your name
(e/c) = the color of your fabulous eyes
(f/c) = your most favorite color
~ in the beginning of the story you are wearing a t-shirt of any color and shorts. And just you know you are a weapon ^^ a blue one

And that will be all my fluffys ^^ enjoy

-/your pov\-

'This one just won't quit!' I ran through the alleyways of Death City, a keishin at my heels. I transformed my arm into a electric blue scythe blade and turned around quickly to slice open the neck of the beast. 'Ha!!' my (e/c) eyes glittered with amusement as the Keishan died ,leaving a tainted red soul floating before me. I grabbed it and tucked it into my bag before anyone could see.

My scythe-arm transformed back and I grinned " that went well~ " I turned on my heel and exited the alleyway ,though I had a odd feeling I was being followed.

Pausing, I looked up at the DWMA and the creepy moon high above me. That moon scared the fluff out of me. I stuck my tongue out at it and carried on back to my apartment room.

After a few minutes I arrived and opened the door. I lived alone so it was always pretty dark in there when I was gone. After flicking on the lights I set my bag down on the couch. 'So...tired' I lay down on the fluffy couch and used the bag as a pillow, falling asleep.

--//time skip of awesomeness //--

I woke to the smell of burnt wood and the heat of a fire. 'wait...fire!' I didn't realize what was happening at first, but now I was wide awake. My eyes wide in alarm. Coughing slightly I rushed to the door, opening it. I was greeted by more of the orange flames. They crawled across the light blue walls and snaked across the green carpet.

Freaking out now, I hurried for the window and broke it with my elbow. Shards of glass rained down over me, cutting my arms and face. " wait! " I heard myself scream out. 'Silly, the fire can't hear you, it won't wait' after scolding myself I ran through the fire that had followed me to grab my bag 'fool, that was idiotic'. Smoke filled the air and the greedy tongues of the fire licked at my legs leaving a fair amount of burns.

I grabbed the bag with the keishin egg and ran back through the flames to the window, leaping out. I landed on the stone pavement with a dull thud. " we got everyone out, it's ok now. " I heard the strange voices of the owners of the burning apartment building. 'Figures' I scoffed, people always ignored me.

I stood watching the flame for a bit and felt the crimson blood run down my arms and face. ' my cuts can't be this deep can they? ' .My feet were burned and bare, my clothing was singed and my legs and arms stung with cuts and burns, my trembling hands held on tightly to the strap on my bag. " ugh... " I grumbled in disgust and started walking down the alleyway, holding a cut on my head to prevent blood running into my eyes with a hand.

To help myself calm down I hummed a small tune while walking through the dark alleyways ,trying to get as far away from the fire as I could. I knew I was losing too much blood,and I was already very light headed.

Through my stinging eyes I saw a boy and a girl standing at the end of the alley. I slowed down and watched painfully while the girl ran to me. She had kind green eyes and pigtails, and she seemed to say something though I was blacking out and couldn't hear. The boy followed close behind, he had white spiky hair and red eyes. ' he is cute...wait what!? This is not the time (y/n)! ' I started to fall forward as I passed out, my world going dark.


My (e/c) eyes fluttered open to see a very worried looking face looking down at me. I could feel bandages over my cuts and some sort of cream over my burns, i felt much better. Though when I looked down all I wore was my (f/c) undergarments, thankfully covered by a thick blanket.

" so...your finally awake huh. How do you feel? " the girl with the pigtails said. I groaned softly and lifted myself into a sitting position, holding the blanket over my chest self self-consciously . " o-ok I guess... " I managed to say, it felt like there was a desert hiding in my throat. " good, I will get some water for you " she stood and retreated to the kitchen.

While she did that I looked around at the room I was in. I was on a red couch and in what looked like another apartment. Though much less empty then my old one. It's walls were yellow and the curtains were a pretty green. I noted the pink tile floors were a little odd looking.

Almost having a panic attack I remembered my bag, my hand shot to a table next to me. I let out a sigh of relief as I felt the leather strap and set it on my lap. The nice girl walked back with a glass of water and handed it to me, I finished it off quickly and gave her a grateful smile. " what's your name? " she asked, sitting down on another couch, glancing at my bag curiously.

" (y/n) (l/n), and yours? " I said calmly, though my hands were shaking. " I'm Maka, I'm a meister and my weapon is Soul, a scythe " she replied cheerfully. " pleased to meet you, wh- " before I could say anything else a boy with severely spiky blue hair burst into the room " I AM THE ALMIGHTY GOD BLACK*STAR! BOW DOWN BEFORE ME! YAHOO! " the boy in the assassin clothing yelled and walked in, a tall black haired girl following close behind with a small, friendly smile.

The boys blue eyes widened at the sight of me holding the blanket up to my chest " MAKA...WHO IS THIS GODDESS, TELL ME! " he stalked up to me with a slight, odd looking pout. " um, (y/n) " I gave him a weird look.

He tore the blanket away from my body and held it off the the side with two fingers. My face turned a light red and I glanced at my bag now sitting on the floor then to his stupid face. " black*star! " the girl exclaimed, sounding shocked. Black*star's face turned beet red and his nose started bleeding " uhhh ". Suddenly Maka lifted a thick book and hit him on the head " Maka-chop! ". He fell over dazed, a big dent in his head.

I stood up quickly and grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around myself like a dress, tucking the end in under my right arm. " I am so sorry (y/n), he usually doesn't do that " the girl apologized and pulled black*star to his feet, steering him into another room. " who was that? " I wondered out loud. Maka smiled again " that was black*star with his huge ego and his weapon partner Tsubaki " . " sorry " black*star muttered, standing in the doorway with Tsubaki. " it's ok, it was nice meeting you guys " I gave them a smile and picked my bag up.

They nodded and left, Maka handed me some clothes and pointed me toward a bathroom. " thanks Maka! " I nodded towards her smiling then I was off to change.

_\~|Maka' POV|~/_
' I do hope she will be alright, that was a heck of a fire over there. But I only assumed that because of her burns...she was out for 3 days...' I sighed and sat down. Curiously I reached into her bag. ' huh? ' I pulled out a soul, more correctly a keishin's soul. ' why is this here? ' . " Maka?" A very confused Soul peeked around the wall, his red eyes focused on the keishin egg "lunch?"

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