The Mission: part two

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(:/-your pov-\:)

I was awoken by a finger digging into my cheek. Maka was putting in a attempt to wake me up. The plane was landing. I opened my eyes, remembering where we were and what was going on.

"We got the hotel location from Lord Death, we will need to drop our stuff off there before we leave to find the keishin" Maka held the booklet up. I nodded in response and stretched. Sleeping with my neck like that made me quite sore. Oh well, it shouldn't affect our mission.

As we got away from the airport I chatted with Maka about search and battle strategies, she was definitely the smart one of the group. We would first head north where attacks were more frequent then move west where they were less frequent. As for battle we didn't have much of an idea. Though we would use what information we got from the packets and from what damage was caused when we see the locations of the attacks.

I figured we would arrive at the hotel soon so I found the booklet Lord Death gave me. It would let us in. The hotel wouldn't be very fancy but it wouldn't matter, we are just staying there for a day or so.

When we arrived the lady at the front checked us in, thanking us for helping with the keishin problem. I dragged my suitcase up the steps, making a few strangled duck noises when it got caught on a step. Soul and Maka followed behind, laughing slightly at my struggle.

Once I finally made it to the top the three of us walked to our room. It wasn't very big and had one window on the far end. One bathroom, two beds, a desk,and two closets. " not bad " I muttered, setting my stuff down on one bed. I grabbed Soul's stuff and set it next to mine. I knew we would be sharing a bed since there was only two, and we always do at home.

I opened the window slightly. I definitely wasn't used to the chilly weather yet. Might as well start by opening the window. Maka already started unpacking stuff. " I'm going to need more time to plan out our route so we can stay here for a few days before heading off. I heard there is a pool and an arcade. "

I perked up at that. Turning around, I gave Soul a grin. We had gone to an arcade together a few times. There was always a battle of who could win the most games. I pulled out the blue card the check in lady gave us. " I'm assuming we can use these for the arcade games?".

Maka nodded. I set it back in my pocket. " we can go after lunch" I smiled at her happily and started putting clothes away in the top section of the closet, they were split into two parts. Soul would use the bottom half.

Actually...Soul was being oddly quiet today. I noticed Maka left the room. I looked over to Soul who was just sitting on the bed, his feet dangling off the edge. " hey...everything okay?" I sat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. " y-yeah..." He looked over at me, a sad light in his red eyes.

" no, something's bothering you...can you tell me?" I said as softly as I could. Seeing him like this was odd, he is usually a very happy person. He just sighed and buried his face in his hands. I put my arm around him, waiting for him to calm down

". I-I don't want to loose you..." Soul said, his voice muffled by his hands. " to the keishin?" I frowned slightly. The boy nodded. " I promise I won't leave you...I'm not going anywhere." After these words he looked up " thank you" his words were whispered and sounded so full of emotion.

I smiled " we will make it out alive, don't doubt yourself". He nodded slightly and gently ran a finger down my jawline making me shudder. I was then kissed, a warm feeling spread through my body. The moment was interrupted by a exited Maka flying through the door.

We both yelped and flew away from each other. " lunchtime!" She grinned, pulling us to our feet. I giggled slightly and took Soul's hand. We rushed down to the dining room where we could eat.

They were serving grilled cheese and tomato sauce, also a salad on the side and crackers with several types of cheese. It was set up like a buffet. We grabbed our food and sat down. " mommy! We saw them in the paper today!" I heard a little girl say from across the room. I looked up and saw her running towards us.

" paper? " Maka wondered out loud. " are you guys really getting rid of the monster?!" The girl grabbed the edge of our table and attempted to look over it. I giggled and leaned down slightly so she could see me " of course we will". The little girl smiled but before she could say anything else her mum called her back.

" sweet " Soul muttered before taking a bite of his grilled cheese. Maka and I nodded in agreement. " newspaper huh " I put my chin in my palm, setting my elbow on the table. " we should look into it...everyone is counting on us it seems, but I love their hopefulness. It's amazing considering what is a threat to them every day. " Maka stared off into space as she spoke, a small smile on her face.

When we finished Maka headed back to the room to think and Soul and I went to the arcade.

I was determined to beat him this time~

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