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Ihsan's POV
August 11th,Monday

"Ihsan! Ihsan!! Ke tashi daga barcin nan fa(wake up), you know you have school.You are in SS3 for gods sake but your mother must wake you up to go to school" I heard maami yelling making me to jerk up form my sleep and pretend I wasn't sleeping,by the time she entered my room I have already started pretending to be making my bed

"Ah maami ina kwana? Na fa tashi tun dazo (good morning maami,i woke up since)" I lied through my teeth, i know lying isn't a great way to start a day but still,astagfirullah

"Uhm lafiya (fine), ki yi sauri baban ki zai tafi wurin aiki kuma yace(hurry up your dad is going to work and said) he wants to see you" Maami said looking at me skeptically,but I ignored the look she was giving me and ran in full speed to see my dad, I missed him so much! I haven't seen him for the past 5 months! My dad is the absolute best.And I'm not just saying that because he always buys me the latest iPhone even before it gets released or because he sends millions to my account,its because he is so kind and understanding.His passion is helping the poor and I admire that about him

"Daddy!" I squealed as I jumped on him giving him a bone crushing hug

"Baby" Dada laughed as he embraced me

"How have you been daddy's princess" Dada inquired patting my head affectionately

"Alhamdulilah fine, but I've missed you" I pouted making him mirror my expression, I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter because of how funny he looked pouting

"Don't worry kinji, I'm not going on any business trip soon, I'm going to take you to Korea, I know you love that country so much and BST right" he announced making me chuckle and nod my head, see my dad is the absolute best

"But dada it's BTS not BST" I said laughing making him join me and mumble an 'oh'

"Who is going to Korea? Nobody is going anywhere. Ka manta ta na zuwa school ne (have you forgotten that she use to attend school?) " Maami bursted my bubble making my smile to turn upside down

"You over pamper her wallah, and will you go and get ready for school my friend" maami glared at me making push my mouth forward in an annoyed manner but non the less started dragging my feet to my room

"Get ready baby, I'm going to drive you to school" Dada shouted making me turn gingerly and give him a wide grin.What he means by driving me to school, is that we get to stop for ice-cream and do a little of shopping, of course I will be late for school but dada will just say something came up. I can't wait!

"You are not taking her anywhere, she can drive herself.whats the point of teaching her how to drive at 16 years and buying her a car but she can't drive herself to school" Maami interjected making me scowl,she is such a kill joy. I sighed on last time and looked at my dad with a sad smile  and headed to my room to get ready for school

I know you are probably thinking that I'm a brat and all, but no! Even though my dad is the top 3 richest man in the world I like helping the poor and I'm friends with everyone, I don't choose who I befriend. You maybe the same class as me,higher than my class or lower. Allah (swt) gave my father the wealth and he can take it away, what's the point of bragging about something that isn't yours?

I stripped off my clothes and took a nice refreshing hot shower, did my skin care routine,brushed my shoulder-length brownish wavy hair, my hair was actually straight when I was born but I decided to make it wavy, and yes if you are wondering I don't use to braid it at all now thay I'm 16. I got dressed in my ash and pink uniform. A white shirt,an ash jacket with pink embroidery around the collar and an ash skirt with pink stripes that reached my knees, I put on my long white socks that reached the middle of thigh and put on a baby hijab that was designed with stones after packing my hair in a messy low bun

I picked up my bag pack and keys then headed down stairs

"Dada Maami I'm going" I hugged them,picked up two toasted bread that I'm going to eat on the way and waved bye at them

I enter my black mini Cooper and i roared the engine back to life. I'm 16 and I drive a car it's illegal I know but as the daughter of Ahmad Abdullah it isn't, the drive from my house to my school is just a 20 minutes drive

I parked in front of the prestigious school and entered

I peeked from the window of my class and saw the English teacher complaining about something as always

I rolled my eyes and entered the class with a Salam

"Ms.Ahmad you are always late for class why is that" he asked the moment I entered

"Good morning sir, my dad came back from a business trip that's why I was late" I replied sitting down next to my sit mate, Hanan who is also my best friend

I checked my wrist watch and saw its just 8:10am

"Dada is back?" Hanan whispered with a big smile,she is fond of Dada and Dada is also fond of her

I nodded my head eagerly with a smile

"Ms.Ahmad and Ms.Usman please direct your attention to the board" Mr.Henry ordered with a straight face

30 minutes later the class ended and everyone was jumping from one sit to another

"Guys I heard Mrs.Samira isn't around today so free period!" Jamal, the clown of the class shouted making us all dance in celebration

"Amal where did you get your henna done ne, see the way it is shining" I asked looking at my friend's hand

"At Deedee's spa, it's beautiful right" she bragged shoving it in our faces

"Yes it is" I chuckled

"We should go there don't you think?" Sadiya suggested making us all nod our heads

So I have three best friend's Hanan,Amal and sadiya. We are the smart but classy girls of our class

Hanan is the crazy one,Amal is the fashionista,Sadiya is the nerd

"Who is coming for your open day please" Amal ask worriedly

"My mom is coming" I answered because if not my mum who then? She takes my studies seriously

"My sister, Janan" Sadiya answered sitting on my desk

"My cousin, Abba" Hanan answered making us all look at her

"Tohpaaaaa who is this Abba? How come I have never heard of him?" Amal asked eating my toasted bread

"Yana Abuja ne faa, he just came to stay with us for two weeks then go back" Hanan shrugged trying to collect the toast from Amal

"What about you amal, who is coming for you?" I asked, Amal's dad has passed away and her mum is really busy she rarely has time for her and her big brother is in another country

"No one as usual" Amal sighed sadly making us all hug her

"Is this class a market square!" Mrs.samira shouted making us all scramble to our sits and bring out our biology notebooks

Hi readers!
This is the first chapter of Roses & Bullets
I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and share pleaseee


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